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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Larry Keller

Lititz, PA, United States


During a late winter ice storm it seems this little Finch needed a drink.

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Category: Eye Catchers

Ice Storm Finch

11 replies on “Ice Storm Finch”

Ellen Lewis says:

An unusual image, Larry. It’s very beautiful as well. Nice work. You get my vote.

Larr Keller says:

Thank you

Donna Barski says:

As I was browsing along on Birdspotter, I noticed your interesting photo and my curiosity was piqued? Is the finch holding the tip of the icicle? Enlarging your photo confirmed my hunch. How many people have seen this behavior? I haven’t and I don’t think many others have.

For its uniqueness and quality – I’ll vote for your photo.

Larr Keller says:

Thank you

Theresa Nickels says:

I agree with Donna and Ellen… very unique photo. Nice capture!

Larr Keller says:

Thank you

Beautiful, so cool that you captured the moment the house finch carefully broke of the tip of that icicle. Amazing image, and very unique. Great job

Larr Keller says:

Thank you

Michelle Jean says:

Amazing Photo!!!

Joan E. Wiitanen says:

Can’t believe this one didn’t win compared to those other two very plain and many others like it the same. This one is so unique with him grabbing part of the icicle and everything covered in it. Winner instead in my book!! 🙂

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