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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Linda Roy Walls

Galestown, MD, United States


I was surprised by the appearance of a European Goldfinch during the February 15, 2016 snowstorm. This bird appear two weeks before during another snowstorm, but then disappeared. I had no idea what species this bird was, except it looked somewhat similar to a Goldfinch and it seemed to feed with the American Goldfinches. I looked it up in my mid-Atlantic field guide and in my eBird app, but could not find it. After searching images online, I was finally able to identify the bird and learned it was NOT native to the United States and probably originally entered through the pet trade. After a few days it was gone, but then it suddenly showed up during the 2nd snow storm right outside my window. It appeared to be curious about me as it watched me watching him for a few minutes. This male fed throughout the day at several of my feeders and the day after the storm and has disappeared again.

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Category: Eye Catchers

Surprise Guest!

AWARD WINNER: Week 15: People’s Choice

12 replies on “Surprise Guest!”

Vickie Walters says:

Absolutely beautiful pic.

Lesta Reiff says:

This one definitely deserves my vote!

brookview hope says:

we love this photo !
he looks surprised to be here !

Donna Hoyt says:

What a nice surprise to see this exquisite foreign visitor in your yard. Such a beautiful photo! Thank you you sharing it with us!

Jan Lewis says:

Very cool!

David Murphy says:

Wow that’s so cool! Somebody call Disney I think I smell a children an movie here.

Cynthia Shifler says:

You take beautiful pictures!

Pam Wolf says:

The picture is beautiful and I’m so happy you shared it with us as I have never seen a European Goldfinch.

Terry Pack says:

Such a great shot Linda!! What a beautiful bird. You really have a way with that camera!

Olivia says:

I love that inquisitive look. European Goldfinches are so beautiful, and you really captured that beauty in your image. Very nice

Pam Decraecke says:

Perfect photo of a beautiful bird!

Carolyn MacGlashan says:

Fabulous picture! How exciting to see this beauty twice!

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