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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Cliff Santee

Lake Seminole, Seminole, FL, USA


Limpkins forage daily for Apple snails here at Sanchado Slough. They are usually pretty successful, but today I spotted one pulling up a golf ball. The really cool thing about it- I have used this golf ball for a prop with different birds for the past 3months photographing many different species with the golf ball. About 5 days ago, it disappeared. I was devastated, sorta. My golf ball was gone. Then I captured this shot and yelled, “There’s the golf ball”! Simultaneously! So, although still partially submerged in Lake Seminole, my golf ball is still there.

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Category: Category 7: The Unexpected

Limpkin Discovers Golf Ball

This sure doesn’t taste like a snail!

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