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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Gillian Henry

Luck, WI, USA


I was very pleased to finally got a shot of a red-eyed vireo – they’d always eluded me before. Imagine my surprise when I downloaded the photo and saw what was attracting the vireo’s attention: a giant caterpillar disguised as a leaf! (A bit of googling suggests that it’s the larva of the mottled prominent moth.)

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Category: Category 7: The Unexpected

Look What I’ve Found

One reply on “Look What I’ve Found”

Jessica says:

Looks like it was curling into the “J” shape, juuust getting ready to form its chrysalis. The vireo looks like it can hardly believe its own luck! Cool shot 🙂

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