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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Hui Sim

Tsawwassen, Delta, BC, Canada


A perfect start to an early winter morning: a male Red-Shafted Northern Flicker roots around in the frost-free grasses of the front lawn for tasty grubs and worms. After 15 minutes of “grazing”, he was still there, so I decided to photograph him lounging in the grass. I knew I was going to only get one shot with my subject looking over his shoulder and flashing that bright red mustache once the front door was opened, so it was to my great surprise that I ended up with five opportunities, and this was the best of the bunch. Taken on December 29, 2019.

Grubbing In The Winter Grasses

Male Northern Flicker Lounging on the Front Lawn

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