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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Laura Hedden

Plainsboro Township, NJ, USA


Two weeks ago, my male Downy Woodpecker was chased into my glass doors by the Cooper’s Hawk. I have the screen positioned across both doors so as to prevent bird strikes, and the glass has been smeared with soapy water. To my knowledge, I have never had a window strike at this location. The woodpecker managed to hit the 4-inch gap where the screen doesn’t cover the door, and he was knocked out.

This woodpecker is special to me; he’s approximately 4 years old and very beautifully colored. I’ve been watching him during all of the past Feederwatch counts. I jumped into action and scooped him up before the hawk could collect him, and brought him inside. He spent a whole day with me, mostly sleeping and getting some first aid, and he improved remarkably well. In fact, he was alert and eating and drinking by that evening, and looked ready to go. When I released him, he took off over the rooftops, and I wondered if I would see him again.

This morning was the first time I saw him return to the feeder, looking fit as a fiddle. He squeaked at me as I was putting food out, and came for some suet and peanuts. He spent most of the day going up and down the maple tree. Most window strike stories end badly, so I thought I would share a counter-example. I hope I get to enjoy him for a long time. In the meantime – have to keep an eye on that hawk!

A Window Strike Story (happy Ending)

A window strike story (happy ending)

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