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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Cassie Tremant

Austin, TX, USA


A pair of barred owls have lived in the creek behind my house for as long as I have, if not longer and this is the first year I have noticed/seen babies. For weeks I would hear strange sounds at night that seemed to be moving in the darkness but had no idea what it could be, then one day It occurred to me to look up what a baby barred owl sounds like. And the mystery was solved, the sounds from a traveling Mystery creature were definitely baby owls. So the next day I went for a hike to see if I could spot them at the tree hollow I knew the adults lived in, and there they were! Two of them, clumsily moving around a tree and flapping their wings as they clung to bark and branches. Some quick rustling to my left told me mom and and dad were watching me, they perched low in trees on either side of me, with one following/watching the babies and one following/watching me.


Predatory birds

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Barred Owl Family

Sleepy barred owl

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