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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Bob Vuxinic

Crossville, TN, USA


In front of my house—not a part of my FeederWatch area—there is meadow that is about the length of two football fields, and it contains a nice sized pond that attracts a variety of water fowl: ducks, geese and even Great Blue Herons. This pair of Canada Geese stopped by to look over the pond, perhaps sizing it up as a place to make a nest and raise some babies, and maybe they were born here. Several years ago a pair DID nest near the pond and successfully raise 7 goslings, which was quite a feat because my neighbor has a dog that gets its exercise by running through the meadow several times per day, chasing anything that moves. That is why I don’t except further nesting by Canada Geese…but it is always a treat to have them visit, and, even though the pond is 250 feet from my house, I’ll open a window and take a few long-range photos like these.



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Canada Geese Pair

Canada Goose pair visits the pond

One reply on “Canada Geese pair”

Waiting patiently for the goslings..and somehow, I am quite sure you will pic, and pix them.
Old meadow saying: Never underestimate a goose and gander..the origins of the word…
gee whiz,,did you ever see a dog run so fast..

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