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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Lorraine LaRose

101 Castle Drive, Florissant, MO, USA


Think I did that in the captions. I think all of us that enjoy feeding birds know when we learn something or find we can connect a little better to the birds that trust us. It’s a special privelage for me…hope that does not come off ‘hokey’. Better stop here. Hope this helps others who are trying to attract more ‘woodies’ to their sites.
The extra suet log feeder my husband drilled out for me plus ‘smathering’ suet cakes on our tree provides more surface area so the birds can space out and not have to compete so much, my take.
All pictures taken through the kitchen window.

If You Provide More Suet They Will Come!

#31 on 2-22-18 at 10:27 AM took these 3 pictures in succession to show there were 5 RBW-red-bellied woodpeckers at the feeder site - 3 males and 1 female shown here.

2 replies on “If you provide more suet they will come!”

Annmarie Davis says:

Thank you for sharing fotos and ‘hokey.’ I enjoyed both. I am very jealous of your kitchen window.

Lorraine S LaRose says:

Thanks Annmarie…nice to share and hope you find your ‘window’ soon!
All the best in life!

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