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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Bob Vuxinic - bobvuxinic@frontiernet.neo

Crossville, TN, United States


The male Grosbeak saw the orioles enjoying the orange, so he came over to see if it was anything he’d like.



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Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak male

5 replies on “Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak”

Aleene Jones says:

Middle photo-Looks like he is saying, “How’s this pose, ‘striking’, wouldn’t you say?”

Bob Vuxinic says:

Yep, I like the middle one too.

Sandra Zeleznik says:

I just saw two males in my dogwood tree my backyard backs up to the C&O canal in Sharpsburg Maryland. Two of them I couldn’t believe it!

For years 2010 to 2015 then we moved our camper. I had a pair of males one was rose breasted grosbreak the other was a Balimore Oriole they would come to my grape jelly feeder together. The grosbeak would watch and wait until his buddy was done, then they would fly off together. Pine City. MN

Mary Esther, Florida so excited to see and have them show up here . I had them till now about two weeks ago they showed up on my Feeders . A real treat for us .

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