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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Jane Watkins

South Owego, NY, USA


This bird showed up at my feeder last week. It looks like a mockingbird, and Merlin says it’s a mockingbird, but this is upstate NY (Owego/Apalachin) in the middle of winter. I don’t see mockingbirds even in summertime. I’ve been a birder since the 70s but I’m a bit stumped and hope someone can either ID this as another species or confirm it’s a mockingbird. The beak looks a little wrong to me.



Mockingbird In An Upstate NY Winter?

Could this be a mockingbird?

2 replies on “Mockingbird in an upstate NY winter?”

Texas Bird Family says:

Yes, this is a mockingbird. Give him some raisins or suet and he might stay around.

Jane Watkins says:

Thanks! I really scratched my head over this one. The mimic birds in my area (NY Fingerlakes region) are catbirds and brown thrashers. But with global warming I’m seeing more birds staying year-round that I rarely saw even in summer. The Carolina wren is an example. We’ve had temps down to 6-7 degrees the past week and I haven’t seen this bird back so I hope it found shelter. I feed the birds year-round and always supply suet, peanut butter, dried raisins.

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