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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Bob Vuxinic

Crossville, TN, United States


I rarely see White-throated Sparrows, and when I do it is usually on a very cold day, often when it is snowing or has just snowed. This was a frigid day after a light dusting of snow the previous day, and the nighttime low temperature had been minus-1 (VERY rare for Tennessee). I gritted my teeth and hid in a blind in the yard, and, sure enough, the White-throated Sparrows made their appearance, which made freezing while waiting for them to show up worthwhile!

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White-throated Sparrows On A Frigid Day In January

White-throated Sparrow

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