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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Amy Wescott

Pecatonica, Illinois, United States


A single House Finch sat alone with puffed up feathers nibbling at seed in my feeder. It perched on the feeder not moving too much for about an hour and had one runny, puffy looking eye. This same bird has been seen at my feeders for about 16 days so far and still has the bad looking eye.


Eye problems


House Finch Eye Disease

House Finch with House Finch Eye Disease

2 replies on “House Finch Eye Disease”

Christina Kuczora says:

Today is Labor Day. Saw a reddish puffed up house finch on my finch feeder. It let me get close and was not frightened. Another bird came along & knocked it off – it landed on the ground and was picking nyjer off the ground. It was also chirping a lot. Don’t know if a baby or sick. I took good pictures I can e-mail. If sick I can take my feeders down. Please advise.

Heidi Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hello Christina, thanks for reaching out. Whenever a sick bird comes to your feeder, we recommend that you remove the feeders the sick bird is using for a couple of weeks to ensure that disease is not being spread at your feeders and to give birds a chance to disperse. While the feeders are down clean your feeders and feeder area thoroughly. Remember that prevention is the key to avoiding the spread of disease. Regularly clean your feeders even when there are no signs of disease. Feel free to check out the Sick Birds and Bird Diseases section of our website for more info.

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