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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Suzanne M DeNure

Seattle, WA, USA


I saw this bird at my feeder for a couple of days. It didn’t seem to be having any trouble eating or flying. I tried researching leg growths on House Finches, but came up with nothing.




House Finch With Leg Growth

House Finch with leg growth.

3 replies on “House Finch with leg growth”

Allison Mettler says:

I also just spotted a finch at our feeder with a very similar growth except it was not as red, it had more white. I was unsuccessful at capturing a photo but am hoping it comes back. It is October 7, 2022. We are also in Seattle, WA.

Claire kova says:

I also just found one like this… I do have photos not sure how to add them though.

Curt Fulgham says:

i just saw one at our feeder in beacon hill…growth appears brown tho

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