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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Mathias & Sharon Mutzl

Pincourt, QC, Canada


I have noticed this House Sparrow around our house for over a month now. He seems to be healthy other than the growth. Feeds very regularly on our deck.



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House Sparrow With A Growth

6 replies on “House sparrow with a growth”

Mathias & Sharon Mutzl says:

Wanted to give an update. I have seen this bird on several occasions most recently Jan 11, 2014. Looks like the growth has not gotten any larger. Bird is still able to function properly.

Chirag says:

There is a similar sparrow with such a growth that feeds on our deck in New Zealand. I wonder what it is.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Chirag, House Sparrows live across much of the world. including New Zealand. You can view a map of reported sightings here.

Kimberly says:

I have a House Sparrow like that now in our back yard! I think he is just coming out if the fledgling phase(?) because he seems to move and fly like one.

Holly Grant, Project Assistant says:

Hi Kimberly, Whenever you see a sick bird, it’s best to take your feeders down for a few days and clean them. Cleaning them regularly (every 1-2 weeks) is the best way to prevent disease, even when you see no sick birds. You can learn more about bird diseases and how best to clean your feeders here.

G Quinn says:

I have a bird in my back yard with a grow like that but on the head. I have been trying to take a pic but it is hard now as I stopped feeding them for now. Good to know that there others out there.

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