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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Judith Huntington

Menlo Park, CA, United States


I have not been monitoring Lesser Goldfinches for House Finch eye disease. I saw at least 2 House Finches with eye disease this past week and now this bird. I think it is an immature Lesser Goldfinch or am I wrong and it is an American Goldfinch? Is it common for Lesser Goldfinches to get House Finch Eye Disease?


Eye problems

Lesser Goldfinch With Eye Disease?

Eye disease (lesser goldfinch?)

3 replies on “Lesser Goldfinch with eye disease?”

roger rohback says:

I have just observed the disease at my feeder in Mesa AZ involving maybe several lessor Goldfinch birds. I had a big problem with the house Finches as well earlier this summer but the small flock I am seeing now looks improved.
I am using only sock feeders and clean them every 48 hours with bleach. The water bath I try to clean and disinfect every other day. I change the water 2 times a day. I am now considering taking down all the feeders as a last option. I was really hoping that the disease would not spread over to the Lessors , but it seems to be the case.
I wish I had better news.

kaynan says:

I am doing a project for the lesser gold finch what are some common problems

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