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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Sherry Catlett

Palmetto, FL, United States


These photos were taken at the Audubon Society’s Felt’s Preserve on October 16, 2016, by my son. I am submitting these because there is a female Northern Cardinal that visits the feeder at my home who’s beak is deformed. To date, I have been unable to get a good photograph of her. I thought it odd that there would be one here, too.



Northern Cardinal – Beak Deformed

4 replies on “Northern Cardinal – beak deformed”

Christine Spidell says:

I have a male and female cardinal at my feeder with the same beak. I came here to find more information.

Patricia Hogden says:

We have a cardinal born this year with what looks damage to the top of his beak. It wasn’t like this 2 months ago. He looks healthy and is scooping seed with the bottom and chewing. Mostly safflower.
Will he survive with out seed available and finding his own food?

Josh says:

I just spotted a female cardinal at the bird feeder in my backyard in southern new Jersey. At first I thought it was an injury but I suppose it could be a deformity or something too

Jennifer Joseph says:

I have a cardinal also with deformed upper beak. Upper seem excessively short. Lower seems longer and wider than should be

This is in Texas 78606

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