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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Karen Hodges

Charlotte, NC


12/28/24. Two cardinals appeared to have diseased eyes: one male and one female. There were at least 4 other Cardinals in the feeding area whose eyes appeared to be healthy.
The male House Finch in the photo appeared alongside a handful of seemingly healthy House Finches. Unlike the others, the sick bird hung out near the feeders all day, inactive and yet feeding voraciously. Another male House Finch challenged it at a tube feeder and they had an ongoing dispute, even taking it to the air at one point, but the healthy bird prevailed and chased the sick one off. The sick bird has an usually rotund look and mussed feathers.



Returning From A Week’s Christmas Vacation With Feeders Left Virtually Empty, I Filled Them, But Then Observed 3 Sick Birds And Immediately Emptied Them Again.

House Finch with Avian Pox

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