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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

K Lafreniere


The Cactus Wren was observed briefly 3 different times (at a distance of about 15-20 feet) between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. March 22 in the feeder area (not using the feeders). It had a rufous crown, white eyebrow that extended behind the eye, a faint “bottom half” eye ring, downturned bill, brown back and wings. The back had white “flecks” and the wings were barred. The sides of breast were pinkish/buffy and had tiny dark spots that formed streaks on the sides. Black spots came together at the throat to form a big black spot. I got 2 pictures, which I am not able to send at this time. If I am able to send the pictures later, I will. I showed the pictures to Ingrid Huskey and she confirmed ID immediately. For many years, when she lived in Austin, Texas, Ingrid was a member of the Bird Records Committee for Travis County. She said if you wanted to contact her, she would be glad to verify the sighting. I know this is way out of range, but we have had extreme winds from the south and southwest for the past several days, so I assume the Cactus Wren took a ride on the winds. It was the most awesome yard bird I’ve ever had!


Cactus Wren

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