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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

carol vandewalle

Lynn Center, IL, United States


I spotted this eagle high in the maple tree near the feeders and grabbed my small digital camera for this shot out the window. We are about 30 south of where they winter along the lock and dam at Rock Island/Moline, IL. We have never had an eagle at our house, to our knowledge; they do come out this way occasionally, I spotted one in a field eating, probably a rabbit, three years ago. I attempted sneaking outside for a better shot, but the eagle flew away before I was able to get a photo. If I had not been doing PFW morning check, I would have missed this once in a lifetime opportunity, it was truly awesome to have it resting in my yard.

I did the photo uploading and lost the whole document, so am trying again; it appears to be working.
I also tried to add this species on my data page, but it will not let me submit, even after confirming it was the correct number. I will try again.

Eagle In My Tree

Eagle visit

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