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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Edward Clark

Anchorage, AK, US


Greenish yellow warbler with faint, but clearly visible, gray/black cap covering entire head. Landed on edge of water bath fleetingly (but did not drink). Appeared with the mixed flock of BCCH and RBNU that make the rounds. Saw the same bird 2 more times that day, again with the same flock, but in the trees just off the deck. It only landed fleetingly each time, not staying long enough to even turn the camera on, and then was gone, each time, so no photo was obtained. Realize this is way late for Wilson’s to be here, and unfortunately no photo was obtained. We are very familiar with Wilson’s warblers, as they nest here. I have been not able to watch feeders since then.

Wilson’s Warbler

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