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Susan Krenicki

Waterford, CT, United States


This unusual Northern Cardinal frequented the feeder during the month of August. It was a pitiful looking bird.



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Bald Northern Cardinal

This Northern Cardinal had been visiting the feeder several times in August 2014.

105 replies on “Bald Northern Cardinal”

Don says:

This is fairly common among Cardinals when the weather gets really warm. They get some kind of mite that seems to prefer their head feathers. My guess is that they pass it to one another as their heads come in contact with feeder or tree surfaces. It only seems to thrive during the warmer part of the Summer here in Delaware. It apparently does not cause any debilitating illness and, as the weather cools, their feathers grow back. It is interesting to me in that it exposes their otherwise hidden dark skin color.

Claudia Catani says:

This beautiful bird feeds here every day.

Michele Murph says:

I’ve got a bald male at my bird feed & water station.

Thought I was seeing things the first time I saw him!

His feather colors are not the normal bright red, considered it might have been birth defect or molting until found this post

Michele Murph says:

Jefferson City, TN

Gale T Kirby says:

I was glad to see that somebody else had seen a cardinal like I had seen I’m in Beckley West Virginia and I had never seen one like that before

Joan Furr says:

I just saw one at my feeder. Have never seen a cardinal like that before. Not
The normal bright red color in his regular coat. Live just south of Richmond, Va.

Patti Murphy says:

Hi Joan! I have a bird like this that I have seen repeatedly at my feeder so I had to look him up. I live in OH. Thank u for your comment!

Ava Johnson says:

Hey Don, while mites sometimes do cause this, it is most commonly molting. It does not cause the bird harm, it is pretty common in Cardinals and Blue Jays. His feathers will regrow soon.

Ava Johnson says:

You are right. But this is most likely just molting. It’s common in Cardinals and Blue Jays, and it doesn’t last too long.

Ted Chesney says:

the one at our feeder has been loosing his feathers all summer long

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Don and Susan, This is a common molting pattern for cardinals and jays – the birds often molt all of their head feathers at once, and re-grow those feathers shortly afterward. for more information, visit our webpage:

Elaine Benjamin says:

Hi Don and Susan: I am not an expert, but I have to report what I am observing. I have a cardinal visiting my feeder who looks exactly like the one in the photos above! I’ve tried to photograph my bird but he doesn’t stay long enough and is too active for me to get a clear photo. I had named him Knucklehead Smiff after a ventriloquist’s dummy that I grew up watching on a kids show which was broadcast in the New York City in the 1960’s. I started feeling badly about that moniker, so I now refer to him as “Handsome Boy”.

I do not believe this is due to molting or a warm weather phenomenon. I’ve been observing my cardinal for months now, starting in late winter/early spring this year. (I live in Vestal, New York). His head has looked the same the entire time. He appears to be healthy and he has a mate who arrives with him. She looks like a normal, healthy female cardinal. I’ve seen him feeding her (or maybe it was a baby?).

A birder who lives over two miles from me believes she has the same bird coming to her feeder. She told me she saw him last year as well and was glad to see he was still around. I wasn’t feeding the birds last summer. This is the first I have noticed him. I will be sure to keep tabs on him as I intend to keep my feed out all year.

Is it possible that a cardinal would have a feeding range of over two miles? (I am in a suburban area bordering woods as well as open country). Or, are we seeing a different bird with a similar condition?

Kate SE Connecticut says:

Hi Elaine. I too have been experiencing similar. A bald-headed male cardinal & his girl have created their home a few feet from my window. It has now been about 1.5 years in which he has yet to grow a single feather on his head.

Caren Shoemaker says:

I am seeing a similar situation here in Michigan. Female has been bald for weeks and now male is bald.

Elaine Benjamin says:

Hi Kate: I just discovered your comments re my report of a bald cardinal. I think my cardinal finally grew head feathers. I wish I had kept better notes because I’m not sure for how long he was without. When I first noticed him I didn’t think it was the usual molting time. Since that first sighting, I saw a male cardinal who had head feathers but started to look more and more faded and scraggly until he was bald. Then, gradually the feathers came back. When it first started it looked like he was going gray and then eventually I could see his black head showing through. Funny how this was the first time in 20+ years at my house that I noticed this phenomenon, but truth be told I only started feeding the birds in earnest the last few years. I’m glad to know that the birds are not sick although I feel as though it must bee irritating to them when the feather s fall out and then grow back again. So, I still feel badly for them even though their mates don’t seem to mind! I enjoy watching my backyard birds so much, as it sounds you do too! Thanks for posting!

Kate SE Connecticut says:

Update: Almost 2 years later, Mister Cutie is finally sprouting bright red feathers in a pointed form on his wrinkled bald head. Similar to your very recent update, Elaine, his body also turned grey recently. He & his beautiful lady have been coming to my window to get my attention about 5 times daily for the last couple years, so my bond to them & love for them feels like family. They are feathered (or bald) bundles of Joy.

Leslie says:

I’ve been seeing the exact same thing here in Georgia. “Kojak”, as I affectionately refer to him, starting visiting my feeders early this Spring. He is also often accompanied by his mate, to whom he feeds seeds. He seems very healthy and is very active at the feeders. Hopefully the cold weather doesn’t cause him any discomfort.

Erin Papaleo says:

I also live in vestal and have this cardinal at my feeder almost daily! It’s so puzzling to me!

Holly Grant, Project Assistant says:

Hi Erin, you can learn more about bald-headed birds and what causes it on our website here.

Elaine Benjamin says:

Hi Erin: I just discovered your comments regarding my report of a bald cardinal. Funny that you also live in Vestal, NY! This year I noticed a male cardinal as he started to go bald. First he looked like he was getting scruffy and grey. Then I started to notice the black on his head showing through. He didn’t quite go completely bald, but he didn’t look good! I’m not sure if this is the same cardinal I reported two years ago or not. If it is, his feathers had grown back. I find it curious that in all the years I’ve lived in my house and seen cardinals in my yard that was the first time I had ever seen one in that condition. It certainly was alarming. Now I know not to get too upset. I’ve yet to see a female bald cardinal and I’ve never seen a bald Blue Jay .

Dave says:

Starting to see them down in Austin. I’ve built a feeder that will tweet out pictures as the birds come to eat. Seeing several of these bald cardinals. See pics here: or on twitter @feedntweet.

Anna Koufos says:

I have the same exact situation here (Virginia Beach) as Elaine Benjamin – “… his head has looked the same (bold) the entire time. He appears to be healthy and he has a mate who arrives with him. She looks like a normal, healthy female cardinal. I’ve seen him feeding her…” The male seems healthy otherwise, as do the female. There are other healthy-looking cardinals coming to feed as well. Anna

Rick says:

Just saw one on my peach tree in NY, mid Aug 2019. It totally freaked me out, Zombie bird everybody run!
Found this thread on a Web search. Glad to hear the mites don’t hurt the birds.

Dave says:

A good shot of one early this morning —

Is this still a male cardinal?

Elaine Benjamin says:

Dave, that looks to me like a female cardinal although its’ hard to tell with the low lighting. see from other posts that females have been seen in this condition although I’ve never seen it–only the male have I noticed. I’ve never seen a bald Blue Jay either although others have reported them.

Lisa says:

We have them here in southern Virginia. Male and female this year whereas last year it was only the males.

Justin says:

Got one out here in South Bend, IN. Thought it was emulating the CA Condor!

N says:

This looks like my friend Baldy in my neighborhood! He’s got a lovely sweet lady friend and I love to see them arrive together.

Nashville, TN y’all

Susan carter says:

Susan says: I have the same family of Cardinals every year at this same time, this year the male is moulting & at first I was so worried about him &I then my friend who is a birder saw him, she said ” he’s not sick, he’s moulting”. I was happy! Also along comes this beautiful young female & he’s feeding her, beak to beak! ……. I guess they are mating?! So I now have the 2 that are mating, & another older female. He looks just like the picture! I really enjoy them, Susan

Kate says:

Same thing up here in southern Vermont with cardinals and blue jays looking like miniature turkey vultures .
I thought they might be molting but if it could be mites, should I put out anything else out like a dust bath thing we use for chickens?
And by the way, anyone knows if male cardinals feed their babies? Earlier in the summer , a baby cardinal kept following and “begging” for food around the feeder. The male cardinal seemed to get frustrated and would “snap” or “attack” at it. I’ve never seen females do this. I’m not sure where mama was, or may be this was big brother having to babysit. ?

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Kate, Fledglings may be fed by both Northern Cardinal parents, but once the female goes off to renest, the male will feed all young until her next brood hatches.

Donna Ondik says:

Yes, hello, so last evening on April 21, 2020, that same kind of looking Cardinal landed in our feeder. He seemed normal, but was freaky looking. We live in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. It is still very cold here, this year, so the loss of the feathers can’t be from heat. Is this a common site on the otherwise beautiful Cardinal?

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Donna, Bald-headedness is more common Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays than other feeder species. These two species are more likely to molt all of their head feathers at once, though occasionally bald-headedness can be due to other factors, such as mites. You can read more about this phenomenon on our website here.

Chuck Hebert says:

I was able to capture a photo of a molting male cardinal on April 25, 2020. I live in Covington, LA. This is the first time I’ve seen this occur. He seemed healthy and was very active. I assume this is normal and doesn’t effect their health.

Lin B says:

I have a bald female cardinal, no feathers on head for at least 6 months. Seems ok otherwise. Wondering why. Too long to be normal molt. Danville Va

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Lin, Please check out this article on our Unusual Birds page for more information on bald-headed birds.

Carol says:

We’ve seen a cardinal at our feeders in the same condition. Glad it seems to be a normal situation. We live outside Tallahassee FL

Eddie says:

We have had a bald cardinal at our feeder for a couple of weeks here in Springfield, VA.

Laura says:

We have one that has returned to us Chattanooga TN. Strange new world!

Patricia says:

I have this same bird and I am in East Texss.

Cathy Beacher says:

We, also in Tallahassee area, have one this year. I have seen one every few years but not every year. We seem to have the same couples here year round. Have not seen the bald one with a mate. I do not see a bald one during the winter. Funky looking. Glad to read it does not harm them.

Bette says:

I also have a bald cardinal coming alone to my feeder in Greenville, South Carolina.

Dan M says:

We have a bald male and feathered female pair here in Fairfield, OH…my neighbor an I call him Carl…I noticed him several months ago.

Jacob says:

I have a bald female that’s started coming to my feeder over the past few days out here in Columbus, Ohio.

Hildegard McLemore says:

Living in East Tennessee, we have a bald female frequenting our feeder since a few days. We alway have a lot of cardinals feeding, but this is the first time we have seen a bald cardinal.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Hildegard, Baldness is most commonly seen in Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays – feel free to read more about this condition here.

Glorianne Collver-Jacobson says:

We live in MA, near Plymouth. Currently we have two male cardinals that are loosing feathers on their heads. A few years ago there was a male cardinal coming to the feeder who was completely bald around his head. I was concerned, and am hopeful it is due to molting rather than mites.

Spring says:

Hello everyone! Just wanted to drop a few lines about my black-headed balding cardinal. I’ve named him Harvey, just seemed to fit for one reason or another. My husband and I have fed the birds on our back deck for just the past 2 years, and while we have a one-legged male cardinal that visits, we too have a bald black-headed male cardinal also. With all that said, I do not observe Harvey with a female unfortunately, but he does appear very healthy. He stops by several times a day and enjoys a variety of nuts etc. I am very interested in the “whys” or possible suggestions from other bird lovers regarding foods they enjoy or tips on feeders etc. Happy 4th of July to everyone!!!!!

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hello, You can use our Common Feeder Birds tool to view the kinds of foods and feeder types that most common feeder birds prefer, including Northern Cardinals. Click on the species photo to see its preferences. You can also view more information here on why birds can be ‘bald’. As for the one-legged cardinal, it likely had a run-in with a predator, though there are other possible culprits as well (genetics, getting stuck, etc.)

Ellen Jorgensen says:

Saw one here for the first time, in South Salem NY (Westchester county above NYC). Gave me quite a scare, glad to see it is not uncommon. Looked like Skeletor.

Kat says:

Texas (Plano) is very hard on the very few songbirds we have. Owls, hawks, coyotes and bobcats, along with summer temperatures over 100 degrees lately —all take a toll. Even so, I was shocked at seeing the poor sickly-looking bald bird that looked more orange than red. I’ve seen hundreds of cardinals in past, more hospitable areas — but this is my first. I’m so glad it’s not a serious condition, and hope it is prompted by molting and not mites! He is enjoying the bird bath immensely.

Kathryn Kime says:

We have had one all spring here in the city of Fairfax, VA. I am so happy to know that he is not just some natural oddity. He doesn’t seem to be embarrassed by it but he is always solo and never sings. 🙁

KT says:

So the female is bald. And now her male has a patch on him that is starting to loose feathers. I’m concerned where they got this possible “mite” and is there something I do in my yard to make it happen?

Deb says:

Hi. I am in Raleigh,NC and have a cardinal that looks the exact same. I did an internet search to try to find some answers and found this site. Thanks for the great resource and info! I am so glad to know that they can recover and that it isn’t more serious. He seems like a very active, normal cardinal.

Thank you for providing this info. Mites! I have a male cardinal that looks like the photo up above and could not figure out what was wrong with him. He has been visiting our feeders with his mate and offspring. Out of all the birds that visit our feeders, the cardinals are my absolute favorite. (We live in Natick, MA, about 12 miles directly west of Boston).

Barbara Payne says:

I first noticed my bald guys (they remind me of vultures) last year, and havent noticed any females with the same pattern. We’re in Providence, RI and, yes, he looks like the totally bald photos posted. Glad they have black skin so they wont get sunburned!

Jenevieve says:

We are in Cranston, RI with a bald cardinal who frequently dines at our bird feeder. Today, for the first time, we saw him with a female cardinal. She looked normal, other than her brownish beak. Glad to see that he has a mate and is loved unconditionally. Wish people were more like that. 🙂

Gisele Masson Accardo says:

I have one 30 minutes. North of New Orleans . I’m not understanding if it’s a species or a mite condition.

Annie says:

I saw a bald cardinal today too. Kansas City, Kansas.

Francesca says:

We have a female cardinal at our feeder every day with the same condition, Charlottesville VA. We have had 35 consecutive days of over 90 degree weather, so I am assuming the extreme heat is related to this phenomenon.

Patti says:

I have a bald male cardinal feeding regularly. It has been very hot here in Winter Springs Florida! Glad to know it’s not due to illness!

Doreen OConnor says:

I also have a poor male cardinal who is completely bald and is itching horribly. Leads me to believe mites. I have treated the squirrels we feed for mites and hair loss. Is there anyway to treat our feathered friend as well? We are in eastern Nebraska. Hate to see him like this come winter.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Doreen, Please contact a local wildlife rehabilitator. Handling, possessing, or treating wild birds requires federal permits.

David says:

I have a Carolina Cardinal that has been in my backyard for over two to three years the last two years he have lost all the feathers on his head and have not grown back can anyone help me to have my bird

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi David, Cardinals commonly lose the feathers on their head when undergoing an abnormal molt, but in those cases the feathers generally grow back within a few weeks. if the “baldness” is lasting longer, especially over years, the cardinal may have lice, mites, or some kind of environmental or nutritional factor could be the culprit. You can read more about baldness in birds here. There’s not much that can be done in this case, other than making sure your feeders are regularly cleaned.

Rachelle Antcliff says:

I have a cardinal who looks just like this. I call him Cardinal Cardinal because he kind of looks like he’s straight out of a monastery. Here is my wonder. I have had a cardinal outside my spare bedroom window forever—standing in a bush, bashing into the window, presumably to attack his reflection. I could never get a good look at him. I recently converted the bedroom into a study and I am in there all the time now and the reflection/movement/light in the space has changed. At the same time the cardinal stopped bashing and Cardinal Cardinal appeared, calm, in the bush outside the window. Could the bashing of the head have anything to do with losing feathers?

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Rachelle, Birds often attack their reflections in mirrors, windows, and other similar structures, especially during breeding season. They see their own reflection and believe it’s another of their species, and so attempt to scare that individual away from their territory. Please feel free to read this article for more information and tips on how to help prevent this behavior.

Tracy Huffman says:

I’ve seen the same thing with our Northern Cardinals here in Roanoke, Virginia. They’ve been bald since late winter, early spring. I’m glad I found this thread, I was worried it was something that would harm them. It seems like their song is different also. It’s a descending “here here” then a flat “right right right right” then another descending “here here”.

Tammy Jo says:

Is there anything I can put out to help a cardinal with molt/mites. His head is bald. Thx

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Tammy, cardinals and other birds that are molting will regrow their feathers in time. If their problem is mites, however, there’s not much that can be done. Provide food as you do normally, and be sure to clean your feeders regularly (every 1-2 weeks) to prevent the spread of any disease, even when you see no sick birds. You can learn more about bird diseases and how best to clean your feeders here. Please also note that it is against federal law to handle to treat wild birds without a federal permit. If you’re particularly worried about an individual, the best thing to do is to call a local wildlife rehabilitator before taking action. If you’re not sure who that is, your state’s wildlife office should have a list of rehabilitators that are federally certified.

Alison NM says:

I had to google this because I just saw a cardinal with no feathers on its head! But guys, it’s mid-February in PA! Shouldn’t be mounting now right? I love my birds!

Melanie L Mathews says:

Good morning! I, too, had to google this because we just had a bald cardinal visit our feeder! Reporting February 21st from Maryland. We have also had a white-headed cardinal visiting our feeder this winter. It’s always exciting to see something different!

Days says:

We just saw a male cardinal with most of the feathers missing from his head in Goshen Indiana. It’s very cold here right and have had lots of snow.

Libby johnson says:

I just saw a cardinal at my feeder that was partially bald! I have lots of Cardinals here and none look like this. It’s February!!

Mindy says:

Just saw my first female cardinal with missing face feathers. I was so happy to see this thread, was worried she might be sick.

Dawn says:

I just found this thread … I have a male and female pair that they both have their head and cave feathers gone. We are in Iowa. They seem healthy. And are a bonded pair.

Leigh Anne says:

Sarasota FL – I have had one male of a bonded pair with the same condition since winter. He’s worsened as they nested, &
raised their young this spring – almost bald now, and lately I have another adult male in the early stages of the same condition coming to our feeder. I have not seen this in amy females – including his mate, or in the juveniles 1st year birds.
Most definitely not a molt.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Leigh Anne, baldness in cardinals is most often caused by molt, but it can also be caused by environmental or nutritional factors. You can learn more about this condition here.

April Austin says:

Saw one of the bald Cardinals in Smyrna,TN today. Never seen one before. He had a lady bird with him. She looked normal.

Donna Sammond says:

We have one too!
He was feeding his fledgling today in the feeder!

Fran Owens says:

I just saw a bald cardinal here in Columbia SC. I was googling why he is bald and found this thread. Apparently it is fairly common. This guy’s head seems to be itching him. He rubs it on branches and flicks it with his feet.

Mickey Redus says:

We have a bald Male Northern Cardinal that has been a resident in our yard in the Texas Hill Country, since last fall. His affliction started as a bald ring around each eye. Over a period of months, he went completely bald.
He seems healthy otherwise, eating and interacting with his supposed mate. Today, we observed another Male Northern Cardinal with the same bald rings around each eye. We are now concerned that it might be communicated to other birds.

Holly Grant, Project Assistant says:

Hi Mickey, Usually when a bird is bald, it is dealing either with an abnormal molt (most often seen in cardinals and Blue Jays) or it could be related to mites, or a nutritional factor. It as not been known to be caused by a contagious disease. You can learn more about bald-headed birds here.

Fern L Allen says:

We have one in Kitchener Ontario Canada. He has a mate and a baby. Appears to be healthy otherwise.

Marney says:

I have been seeing the same phenomenon in London Ontario Canada. At first my cardinal seemed to have an abnormally large black mask but then all of his head feathers were disappeared in a day. His mate experienced the same thing. I’m concerned that, if mites are involved, they could pass them on to the other birds who frequent the same feeder. Any answers on how long the mites could live on the feeder itself and if they can infect other bird species? Thanks.

Claire says:

I have my first bald cardinal. Feel bad for him but hoping his feathers come back. He seems otherwise healthy. Just to be safe I am cleaning my feeders every other day. I love my little “pigs” as I call them. I buy the shelled seed so they are a happy crowd.

Cory L. Chandler says:

I have just seen my first wild bald male cardinal at the water station that I have. It’s been a hundred degrees out for the last weak here in Kansas I’m hoping as a previous comment stated that it’s just because the heat and all that head feathers will grow back. It does get rather cold here in Kansas during the winter time so hopefully they will grow back before it snows. Weather here will start cooling down mid October so the Heats going to stay up there for at least another month and a half.

Holly Grant, Project Assistant says:

Hi Cory, Baldness is most common in Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays – they are the most likely species to go through this abnormal molt where all head feathers are molted at once. Occasionally other ailments can cause baldness, but I’ve never heard of extreme temperatures being the cause. You can learn more about this phenomenon here.

Julia says:

Thanks for solving my mystery! I am hoping to see my bald male cardinal again soon.

Cassie says:

I need someone to come study the Northern Cardinal population in my backyard! I live in south-central Maryland and for as long as we’ve lived here (5years) we have had bald Cardinals. I’m convinced it’s genetic, because there have been multiple generations at this point, and it only affects the males after their juvenile stage. We call them “cardinals of doom” because they look pretty evil but we love them just the same.

LD says:

Identical bald male spotted in my window feeder.


I have one feeding at my house..

Lynn E. says:

I just seen one at my feeder and ran to the internet to find out what to do. So…is there anything we can do? I love all my beautiful song birds and I hate seeing one looking so sad…also will spread to the other birds?

Heidi Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hello Lynn, thanks for reaching out! Often a bird can look like this Northern Cardinal when molting, and it is normal to be missing feathers during spring and fall – the feathers should grow back on their own in time.

Raven says:

Yup I also have a bald headed male Cardinal at my feeder daily in Baltimore, Maryland. At first I was afraid it was from poisoning, or this awful chem-lawn so many people in my neighborhood get sprayed on their grass to make it Green:( But he has been here daily for many months and has always had a healthy appetite and plenty of strength to stand up for himself at the feeder, so I figured it must not be anything that sever.

Kate says:

I live in Montréal and have had a bald male cardinal at my feeder every day for the past 6 weeks. He started with a few crest feathers but had lost those too. If this is caused by lice or mites, is he « contagious »?

Heidi Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hello Kate, thanks for reaching out! It is very likely that the bird you are noticing is molting, which is very common around this time of year. The feathers should grow back soon.

Dianne Sweeney says:

I have this little old man coming to my feeder as well in southeastern Oklahoma!

Suzanne Cummins says:

I’m 69 years old and live in New Albany,Indiana. I have a lot of Cardinals…males and females. Never a bald head male or female! I’m thankful they are not sick. I love all my birds.

Lynn says:

I have that turkey head male at my feeder. The female is fine. Funny how just the one from the same nest. Crazy look.
All birds were successful here near Grand Bend On.
Most have their second nest hatched and out.
Did anybody wonder how blue jays grow and still fit in the nest?
The mother sits on the rim and vibrates her whole body expanding the nest while waste falls away through the nest sides .AMAZING thing to witness.
Thanks for cardinal intel

C. Stewart says:

U saw a bald bird with red plumage in early Spring. I saw it again today along with a Blue Jay that was either losing or growing new feathers on his head. I had no idea what I was seeing. I thought they may be infected with something and passing it to each other at the feeder. Glad to know it’s normal and they are okay. I am in Paris, ON.

Vickie Guthrie says:

Yesterday saw bald headed cardinal here in Glen Rose TX…… I saw him six weeks ago too. Odd looking little fellow……..

Dan says:

We have had the same bald cardinal as a regular at our feeder almost every day for the last year. Strange looking but seems healthy. Doesn’t mix with the other’s at the feeders. This is in Tampa Florida.

Leenie says:

Research On!! They’re molting cardinals! Quite common. I have several different versions this summer on my feeder.

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