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Kathie Adams
Bainbridge, GA, United States
Feeding on ground underneath bird feeder with other chipping sparrows
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White headed chipping sparrow
Have this guy hanging out under my feeder as well – Keswick VA
Spotted in Augusta, Georgia. Also around feeder. 4/7/16
Saw this bird around my bird feeder in erie pa.
Saw this bird 7/7/2016 Ramsey, Minnesota at bird feeder
I have one at my backyard feeder in Millbrook, Alabama. 1/12/2017.
We have one at our bird feeder here in Boerne, TX . March and April 2017. First time ever saw one.
first time seen in Potomac, MD
Have one picking up food below feeder in Alden, New York. NEVER have i seen one before. Very rare.
We have one that comes frequently with the gold finches in NC!
Me to Cleveland, OH. Only one, hangs with all the other sparrows. Is he a mutant?? Sort of looks like he’s crossed with a bald eagle.
One in covington ga
I have one daily at my feeder in Ramsey, MN.
Saw one today chipping at the mulch in my yard in Bowie, Maryland! Cute and tiny.
Saw one today in Wagontown, PA.
I have one of these cute birds feeding at my feeder and under it. There’s only one of them. Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma
Been seeing one of these birds at my feeder in Massapequa, NY. Never saw one before. Has been here for about 2 weeks now
one seen in Mullumbimby N.S.W Australia 20/3/2017
Had one here at my feeder for a couple of weeks. Live Oak, FL
Today saw one under the feeders on Peaks Island Maine.
One visiting my feeder April 16, 2018 central Pennsylvania
Just had one in my backyard on the north shore (east end) of Long Island, NY. It’s 4/16/2018.
Uh oh, I just posted that I saw a chipping sparrow in my yard on the eastern end of the north shore of Long Island today, 4/16/2018, but it was a Leucistic White-throated Sparrow.
Just saw this bird under the bird feeders on May 6, 2018, on Granite Lake, Annandale, Minnesota.
Norristown, pa. 1st today to see a chipping sparrow with a white head, white underbody, gray feathers. Eating Finch food
I saw one of these at bird feeder in southern California. Sounds like he might be very far from home? As someone else described, it looks like a Sparrow crossed with a bald eagle
We have one at our feeder in Canton, Ohio today. First one we have ever seen here.
One just arrived at my feeder this morning in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Never seen one before!
I just saw them today in Parma, Ohio at the feeders in our local MetroParks. What a thrill,
I had this at my bird bath today in Kettering, Ohio.
Have one that looks like a cross with a patch of white on the head and splatterings of white on the wings with the common sparrows. Massapequa n.y.
I have one in Lumpkin, Ga❤
One continues to visit the feeder at my son’s home in Columbus, Ohio.
We saw one at our feeder in York PA. Merry Christmas!
Saw obe at my feeder tiday, Rutledge, Georgia
12/31/18 Chipping Sparrow with Snow White head at my feeder Sylvan Lake, Michigan
I have one in my yard now in Quincy Massachusetts no one believed me until they saw it also
Amazing, I have just one feeding under feeder here in Gering Nebrasaka. Have not seen one before. So cute
Have one on my feeder this morning in Aransas Pass, Texas
Have had one at my feeder near Equality, Alabama for about a month now.
I have one under my feeder with the house and song sparrows and juncos near Long Point, Ontario, Canada. Caught it in a video briefly before it flew off.
This cold morning in Collinsville, OK. Just the one!
Just saw my first one at 4:10pm today! “Pritty”! Thought I was seeing things!
I saw one of these for the first time scratching around in the pine straw near my feeder in Mooresville, NC.
I’ve had one showing up off and on for the past couple weeks at our feeder in San Angelo, TX. Don’t recall seeing one around here before.
We have one at our backyard feeder in San Angelo, TX
One under our feeder today, March 5, 2019, in Greenfield, IL.
One at my local urban lake. 20 miles north of San Francisco.
Had one in gibbstown nj no march 25 2019
This bird gets around. I have him here in mobile alabama
I have a white headed sparrow at my feeder. Also had one last year. Townley, AL
Have one in Richmond Va
This tiny bald eagle look alike is at my feeder in Huntsville, Al.
Saw this bird April 2019 in LaGrange, GA. It reminded me of a mini Bald Eagle.
We’ve had a snow-white headed sparrow with yellow around its face this morning on the ground below our bird feeder.
I have one hanging out in Jay, NY
One spotted in Ephrata, PA
Saw my first one today in Brown County near Brownwood, Texas.
We have had this “Little Eagle” around three yards in our neighborhood in Johnson City, TN for the past 2-3 years. He is special.
We have had one in our backyard for a week or two now in Bloomington Illinois. Just one that we know of. Have some wonderful close-ups and yes looks just like a mini bald eagle! And we are wondering if this is some sort of albino?
Saw this same little guy in Cranston, Rhode Island feeding under my feeders
Found under the feeders in Milford Maine!
Saw one today for the first ever so of course I had to Google it. Fairfield Iowa under my feeders
First spotting of this bird. Feeding on both feeder and ground. Beautiful bird. Casey Iowa.
May 9, 2019 We had a white-headed chipping sparrow on our bird feeder this morning in Essex, CT. We have never seen this bird before and assume it is a mutant.
First time to see this beautiful bird in Bouchette, Quebec.
Spotted this beautiful bird in Bouchette, Quebec.
We just had one at our feeder this morning in Woodbine, IA. The only difference was the one I saw had a white cap on top of it’s head the size of a dime. Quite a surprise!
Spotted what was a sparrow with a completely white head but info says it is native to the American continent, we live in a village in west Lothian in Scotland,…….. How is this possible???????
Hi Stephen, It’s possible that you have a different species of sparrow with a white head. White feathers are sometimes the result of leucism, rather than a field mark. Please feel free to read more about Leucism and other color variants on our website.
Got one in Streeman,Tx
This little sparrow surprised me yesterday and today . He has a white circle at the top of his head and a white face .I couldn’t locate a photo in my bird book . This little one is “spunky” as he pokes at all the other birds at portals in his area of the feeder to “get lost”. I’m happy to have him here though . Glad I found him at this website .
White head chipping sparrow in my yard today. Never saw one before 8/23/19
Saw one in Baltimore City MD! Looked him up and found this page. Thanks for the pics, that was him alright!
Saw one in West Tisbury, MA in front of A1 in parking lot, together with a whole bunch of regularly patterned ones. Didn’t notice unusual behavior on its part, or on part of the others.
We just saw one in Lexington, KY.
Saw one at my feeder today in pigeon forge, tn
Had one frequenting my feeders on 11/4/19 in Tallapoosa, Ga!
We have one in Spring Arbor MI. We have seen it on several occasions 11/5/2019
Seen one first time seen this type. Ball Louisiana Jan 2 2020 355
Came to my feeder today. The white head caught my eye. The picture I took wasn’t that clear. Huntington Long Island NY
Have a white headed sparrow like bird with light grey markings on either side of beak. Today at feeder. Rockland County NY
I’ve got one that’s been hanging around this fall and winter here in Kansas City, Missouri. He hangs with the Cardinals more than other regular sparrows.
We’ve had one show up here in central Arkansas on our feeder for 3 straight winters. Mid January through the end of Feb. then it’s gone till next winter. It’s always with cardinals also. The last 2 years I’ve only been able to get blurry phone pics. New phone and clearer pictures this year!
We have one also in New Baltimore Ny. Comes daily.
We had one yesterday in Bronson, FL with the usual slew of chipping sparrows.
I just saw one on our feeder in West Hartford, CT. I have never seen one in CT before.
Just saw the white headed chipping sparrow in celina,ohio February 16,2020 at are bird feeder
Looks like a tiny bald egael. seen him twice at our feeder.
I just had a pure white headed sparrow under my feeders in the backyard. We’re in Cape Neddick Maine.
It took me a while to identify the Chipping Sparrow ground feeder, South of Apex, NC. First time I’ve ever seen one.
My dad has one visiting his feeder in Kalispell, Montana! What a site!!!
just had a totally white house sparrow at our feeder this morning but could not get camera out fast enough before it was gone, it was feeding with all other sparrows on the feeder.
White headed sparrow at feeder fail.
White-headed sparrow alone past week. 43081
Lone white-headed sparrow has been coming to my feeder for over a week.Westerville, OH 43081
A pair of these birds under our feeders in Lisbon, Maine. Never seen before! No interest in moving. Arrived April 11 and still here this morning, the 14th!
I just saw one for the first time this morning under the trees near my feeders. I’m in west Monroe, NY.
We had one under our feeder in Natick MA.
I’ve had one for a few weeks under my feeders in Doylestown PA
We just had two of these birds come to our feeders. We live in Branson Missouri. After reading on these, Seem out of their area. We are going to try and get pictures so we can send to the conservation book
We’ve had one coming to eat under our feeder for the past several days.
Near Reading Pennsylvania
We’ve had a white-headed chipping sparrow with some yellow head splotches frequently feeding on the ground under our feeder along with another chipping sparrow from 4/22 through today in Mohnton, PA. Anyone know if white heads tend to be male or female?
Hi Eileen, birds with unusual white feather patches do not skew along gender lines – it is often caused by a pigment abnormality. You can learn more about the variants of this condition here.
April 29,2020
We have a white-headed sparrow who stays mostly on the ground under the bird feeder; Very startling. Saw him for the first time earlier this week.
We have had one of these birds in our yard lately, Very rare to see. We live in Kamloops,B.C. Canada.
Thank you!
We have just started seeing a white headed chipping sparrow. Small and cute.
Sorry, I am in Plymouth, Wisconsin.
We have a white-headed sparrow under the bird feeder today in Duluth, MN. First time we have ever seen one.
I just had a white headed sparrow at our feeder for the first time. Quite striking! Near Lanesboro in the very SE corner of MN.
Ive had a chipping sparrow at my feeder for the past week. Unique.
Centre County,Pa, May 7-8 2020.
Hi I saw on today in Hervey bay qld Australia just looked White headed sparrow up and found this site
Hi Hilary, Project FeederWatch focuses only on birds seen in the United States and Canada, but we encourage you to check out the Cornell Lab’s Merlin Bird ID app, which has Australian bird packs available. The identification app asks 5 simple questions, and offers you a list of possible species. You can also upload photos and the app can identify the bird as well. Download it here.
We finally have a name for the new bird that showed up today. This is the first time we have seen a chipping sparrow with a white head ground feeding under our bird feeder. We live in North Central Nebraska.
Have this chipping sparrow at our feeder all day today. We’ve fed the bird’s for years, never seen one before. Cute🐥
Have seen one of these beautiful guys the past week or two at our bird feeder. Have lived in Connecticut all my life and never seen one before.
Just had one show up in my backyard in New Orleans, LA. Just like a mini bald eagle, so distinct I had to look it up.
I recently made a claim that I saw one in my back yard in New Orleans, LA based on the comments that it looks like a mini bald eagle. Turns out the bird in my back yard is a Mississippi Kite. I’m wondering if this is what others have seen. It has a very distinct call.
Just spotted one of these today amongst the other sparrows at my feeder in Haverhill, MA. I hope to snap a picture soon. So neat!
Boscobel, WI – I saw one today with a mix of house sparrows, etc, mooching scraps in front of a restaurant. I wasn’t fast enough with my camera.
We had one of these birds this evening on the big Thompson River East of Estes Park.
Saw some of these in my garden in tropical Singapore near the feeder yesterday. Have never seen it before. Very fortunate to see such a rare and lovely sight.
I have one in my backyard all summer. He is hanging with sparrows and morning doves.
I have a sparrow visiting my feeders with a white cap not like the Chipping Sparrow. Don’t know if it’s because it’s young but it’s October. I have googled it but I can’t specify what breed it is. Any clues or answers ??
I think this bird was at my mothers house in Friendswood yesterday. I’ve never seen this bird here before. It was with Cardinals under her holly bushes.
My husband saw one of these in Vermont a few weeks ago.
We saw one on two separate days in October In Edmonton.
Saw one today at my feeder in Mechanicsburg, PA during a snow storm. Finches everywhere!
Saw one in Platteville, WI this morning eating on the ground with sparrows. Picture was not clear!
Saw one today feeding with other sparrows.
Have seen one this past week under the feeder with sparrows and juncos in Des Moines IA. Amazing.
We have kind of bird like this at our feeder for the last week or so. First time seeing it in Rhode Island
First time ,ever, for me to see this bird. Was in my front yard with several regular song sparrows, in Kansas City, MO. So there really are white headed Sparrows? Cool!!!
Aug 24 2021 White headed sparrow at sunflower and sunflower hearts feeder for first time
September 11, 2021 Saw one today hopping around the ground at camp site on Kentucky Lake. So happy to have an ID 💕
Saw my first one today on feeder in Evansville, In. Quite unique.
Had one at my feeder yesterday. Didn’t know there was such a thing as white headed sparrow!
That sighting was in Richmond, Va.
Saw this fellow Nov. 4th in my apple tree in Bay Village, OH near Lake Erie. Merlin was not able to find this variety, thanks for clearing this up.
One under my feeder today in Selbyville DE. Took me a while to identify him.
I’ve had this bird at my feeder since the summer in Claremore, Oklahoma. He hangs out with the Sparrows. His head looks “rounder” and a little larger than his sparrow friends.
We just had one feeding on the ground in the back yard/woods. Have never seen such a vibrant white headed little one!
This was In Loudon, TN……sorry!
We saw this little one on the ground, Loudon, TN, yesterday afternoon. We have never seen a white head on a bird other than an eagle, so we were hoping to find the name. Thanks for that!
One has lived at my house in Newnan, GA for a couple of years now. I named him “Baldy” because he looks like a miniature Bald Eagle.
Seen on 1/31/22 and 2/1/22 in the campground on Hunting Island State Park, SC
Had one in Fayetteville AR feeding on our feeder. Looks like a tiny bald eagle!
Have one below my feeder in Panama NY. I was going nuts trying to iD it cause it’s far away from house and hard to see with the snow
Have one ground feeding in Lititz PA on March 20, 2022 at 4:10 pm. Never saw this bird before but excited to see it!
I seen a white headed sparrow on my front sidewalk today May 3 2022
I seen a white headed sparrow on my front side walk on May 3 2022 in Burlington, Iowa
We had one here most of the Winter in Oshawa, just outside of Toronto. He/she disappeared for a while but turned up again this Spring and has been observed feeding a younger bird two days ago.
Just spotted a chipping sparrow at 10:16 a.m. NW Columbus, Ohio. So exciting! Mixed feed feeder.
In my 68 yrs I have never seen this type of bird. White head with sparrow like body and markings but feathers are alittle more gray and blackish. Thought my vision was failing me. It was darling and hope to see it again! 🙂 in Spring Hill, Ks
Saw one on our feeder this morning in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
Have a leucistic sparrow feeding at our feeder with other sparrows, finches, and white wing doves here on the western slopes of the Franklin Mountains, El Paso, TX.
Saw this darling bird with a couple other sparrows picking in the grass in our goat/alpaca pasture. I had never seen one and had to look it up. It’s 35 degrees and a fine mist today in East Texas. It didn’t seem to mind the proximity of the animals and allowed me to get within 6ft or so before flying a short distance to wait til I left.
Saw this darling bird with a couple other sparrows picking in the grass in our goat/alpaca pasture. I had never seen one and had to look it up. It’s 35 degrees and a fine mist today in East Texas. It didn’t seem to mind the proximity of the animals and allowed me to get within 6ft or so before flying a short distance to wait til I left. Ben Wheeler, Texas
I’m in England, Norfolk and this little bird I believe looking at some of the photographs is a regular visitor, over the last three years its been in my garden during the winter. I assumed it was a mutant as other birds similar to this are white in different parts of its body, unlike the usual sparrows we have. So lovely and most unusual. I can only see these birds have been spotted in the USA. Is it rare to spot one in Britain.
It could be a Chipping Sparrow?
I have one visiting my feeder on the Big Island in Hawaii. He is shy, not like the hundreds of Java’s and 50 love birds
I couldn’t quite figure out with this little bird was. 2 weeks later I have now identified it as a white-headed chipping sparrow. It is in my yard everyday. Flint, Michigan
Just recently, we have this white-headed chipping sparrow visiting our feeder in Portage, Michigan.
I think this is what I saw foraging in the mulch beneath my boneset plants, which are dropping seeds by now. Its markings are similar to a sparrow on the wings, but had a rounder body, and white head.
Asheville, NC
I saw what I thought was a white headed Junco as it was feeding on the ground below the feeder with other Juncos. Uncertain if it is a Junco with less color pigment on his head feathers, or a Chipping Sparrow. January 2024 Pendleton, OR
Saw a white-headed chipping sparrow at my feeders this morning in Mechanicsburg, Pa. feeding with other sparrows and finches.
Will attempt to photo family of white-headed sparrows that have been feeding in our enclosed patio yard in Central Illinois for almost a yard. Seems to be about 5-6 in the group.
Saw one in our Cape May, NJ home about a week ago. Spent a lot of time on the ground
Saw one in my yard on Aug. 2 and 3 in Dayton Ohio
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