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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Krysta Huff

Weedville, PA, USA


This TT seems to have AKD. He’s been here for a few years now. Seems to be having trouble eating at feeders this winter. Has to lay his head down to scoop a seed in his mouth. I’ve been putting seed and peanuts in a favorite spot of his in the snow. It seems easier for him to grab seeds that way. I bought some peanut feeders so he could hopefully wear some of that growth down and it does seem to be getting smaller.


Deformed bill


Titmouse AKD

This TT seems to have AKD. He's been here for a few years now. Seems to be having trouble eating at feeders this winter. Has to lay his head down to scoop a seed in his mouth. I've been putting seed and peanuts in a favorite spot of his in the snow. It seems easier for him to grab seeds that way. I bought some peanut feeders so he could hopefully wear some of that growth down and it does seem to be getting smaller.

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