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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Melissa Streit

Lancaster, NY, United States


This chickadee is a common visitor to my feeders this year – The first picture shows its white head and the second picture shows the back of the head – it almost looks striped on the back of the head when flying. It’s not bald, just white on top of the head



White Capped Chickadee

5 replies on “White capped chickadee”

Linda Grubb says:

I also have a white capped (black capped) chickadee at my feeder today. Thanks for posting your photo. Looks very much like what I am seeing.

Vicki says:

I have one of them that comes to my bird feeders.

Linda says:

I also have a white capped chickadee at my feeder, it has the same markings on its back as a black capped chickadee, but the whole head was white first time that I ever saw one

Jan. 2019

Ann Gillespie says:

I have a white capped chickadee- it’s head is entirely white. It only feeds at noon on the ground under the feeder. I have searched everywhere for a photo of a bird like mine- to no avail.

Ann Marie says:

It’s been bugging me – but now I know it is a chickadee with a white head. Been here for a couple months.

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