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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Gary Mueller

Rolla, MO, USA


Gray Catbird


Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird

33 replies on “Gray Catbird”

Bob Vuxinic says:

My favorite of your current set. This is a beauty!

Pordee says:

Very cool project ✌️✌️✌️

Laura says:

I love this photo!

Gary Mueller says:

Thanks Bob and Laura. I really enjoy the GCBs. They and the Baltimore Orioles battle it out at my jelly feeders.

Sharon Wood says:

I was searching online to identify two gray birds that have appeared at my feeders. The black cap was throwing me off till I found this photo online. I am in south central Pa. very near the Maryland border. Do these birds normally come to Pa.? This is first I’ve seen them. I do have a diverse offering of seed types as well as mealworns which they seem to particularly like.

Holly Faulkner says:

Hi Sharon, Gray Catbirds are a common bird of all of Eastern North America. While they are not a common feeder visitor, they have been known to visit one from time to time. For ore information on Gray Catbirds, including range maps and habits, please visit our page at .
-Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant

Linda says:

I have had cat birds at my feeders all winter long and was wondering what kind they were. Now I know from your picture!

Gary Mueller says:

Hi Sharon:

I have noticed that when the Catbirds start showing up in my feeder area which is about middle April for Missouri they really seem to enjoy my graph jelly feeders. Glad you are seeing them at your feeders.


Cheryl Allen says:

I searched for info on this bird that appeared in my yard today. I have feeders out for years and he’s new to the neighborhood. What a beauty, I hope he hangs around. I live in Southwestern Ohio and have never seen one before.

Laurie L Thompson says:

I have visitor today ,a gray cat bird!!! I ❤ these guys!!! I had them in the spring,and they left after awhile, but here they are again!!!? I live in Iowa , and I had never seen one before, but they are sure cute, they come in pairs, they ❤ fruit, so I have some peaches cut in a bowl, hoping they like it ????

V L Hill says:

I saw one for the first time ever yesterday. Beautiful bird! No sign of it today. I am really hoping that I will have the chance to see him once more. It seemed quite content just feeding off the ground in my backyard cardinals watched as if to say where did you come from but not at all bothered by his presence. I’m in Florida just south of Daytona Beach.

Pj says:

I just saw my first Catbird…
Southeast Michigan. Checked out seed feeder and jelly for orioles.

Lisa says:

I just ID’d this bird thought it was a brown thrusher.. It is actually building a nest in a very very sharp palm tree!
Amazing! Ecspecially this time of the year! Cant wait for hatchlings…

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Lisa, If you’re interested, we invite you to report this nest to NestWatch! NestWatch is a free citizen science project at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Participants monitor bird nests and report the data to You can learn more about how to get started with NestWatch here.

Lea M Witte says:

I’ve been seeing a Catbird all week in my yard by my feeders. In summer I only put out suet and throw seed on the ground. Several of my neighbors keep their hanging feeders filled and we all have bird baths, which the birds really appreciate on these hot days. Not only that but we live at the top of a hill so there is really not a water source for our birds. Today the Catbird took a ten minute bath which was so nice to see and I was able to get a decent video of it.

Jeff says:

I’m also in South Central PA in the Harrisburg area (Camp Hill) and I have two GCB’s at my back window ever since I put peanut butter suet balls in my feeder. Very sleek looking birds. I must be a tail-feather-man. Poster above near Hagerstown, yes, if they are in Camp Hill then you know you aren’t seeing things if you’re in the Chambersburg area.

June miller says:

I too am seeing this grey bird for the first time in my backyard. Mostly eating from ground and keeping others away from the bird feeders. Fights with my bluejay and cardnal. Really takes a defensive stand spreading his wings and tail . Never saw this before.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi June, From the aggressive behavior you’re describing, it sounds like you might be seeing a Northern Mockingbird – they often get quite territorial this time of year especially. Feel free to look at photos of Northern Mockingbirds here to see what you think.

TigerLily cross says:

I’ve had them at our water features over 3 years now. Shy in springtime but brave in heat if simmer. Extraordinary singing range! I think they are so elegant & they love bathing! Not afraid if the cardinals or robins.

David says:

I’m on the Maryland shore,I think I’ve had the same pair in my yard for two years. Jays,catbirds,mockingbirds are so cool. With patience and the right food they will show how smart they are. My catbirds love blueberries,and peanuts if you break them up

kelly farah-strube says:

I have two grey cat birds at my feeder all summer long, they are very noisy when they spot my dog! They love eating the hot pepper suet i leave out for my red headed woodpeckers! They are truly beautiful creatures 💕

Cathy dennis says:

I would like to ask a question about this type of bird. We have what I think is a catbird that comes every year about this time. What he/she does is pecks at one window where I have a stain glass picture. Have you heard of them doing things like that?

Beth McCracken-Harness says:

I saw a couple this yesterday and today inCheverly, MD, (metro DC)

CKBH says:

I have two by our stream that appear to be living in the rose bushes. The only problem is that they have decided to mimic the crows, so they are constantly screeching and squawking rather than singing. It’s really annoying. They say “Kate, Karen, Karen” 😂 I am going to try and play some other bird songs on my phone to see if they can pick up a new tune. 🤣

CKBH says:

*Karen not Kate

Jennie Johannesen says:

Your photo is quite lovely. I’m a beginning pastelist, and I would love to use your image as a reference for a painting. I would never do so without your permission.

Sandy Santamaria says:

We started seeing this grey bird at our feeders this January for the first time and was wondering what they are. We live in central Florida by gulf coast area. I looked online and discovered they are the grey catbirds. There’re a few of them mostly eating from the patio grounds and some feeders. They seem to get along well with the cardinals, mourning dove, tufted titmouse, chickadees, far in harmony which is so lovely to watch, unless my sneaky squirrel gets in the way, lol!

Jean says:

Just got a photo of this bird in Ocala Fl can’t say I’ve seen one before, I was only able to identify it from your photo.

Twila says:

I’m in Central Florida and recently started seeing these birds. They have been wreaking havoc with our bird feeder that is filled with a blend of seeds. The problem is that they push all the sunflower seeds out of the feeder and onto the ground to get to what they want. The other birds normally around (cardinal, wren, titmouse, chickadee) don’t frequent the feeder as much as they did before the catbirds arrived. Any ideas? Thanks!

Sherman says:

Great photo! I’ve started seeing these outside of Tampa,Fl in Wesley Chapel.

Rob says:

I live in calumet county Wisconsin and have had these birds here my entire life I Thaught they were fly catchers till I saw your photo .they come in numbers when I mow . And come to our jelly oriole feeders thoug they seldom feed

Billgegen says:

The Lil black crown from your picture helped identify the visitor at our jelly feeder. We’re river valley Minnesota located and amused by the vocals of this beauty.

Suzzanne Nellans says:

These are my fav birds to watch. I have a mated pair of catbirds that eat non-melt suet and also mealworms. They zip by and play hide and seek on the various assortment of diff feeders I have out. I may have to put my hummingbird feeder away from their games because they like to hide behind the dome and sneak attack-play their mate. It scares the hummingbirds half to death now I see they are nervous at the feeder.

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