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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Jens Thomas

Winnipeg, MB, Canada


I believe this to be a white-throated sparrow. I have seen the last two weeks, probably since the beginning of January. I have just lately become more confident of my suspicion and have been able to get what I think are some good shots of it. I usually see a few of these birds in the summer, especially in the spring and fall as this is part of their migratory route. Also, this bird usually sits alone as seen in the photos. The green object is a seed catcher attached to the bottom of my feeder (black-oil sunflower seed as well as a peanut dish and heated bird bath). It looks healthy from what I can tell. Otherwise, its colours are pretty faded as you can see but you can still see the stripes that make up the crown and to a lesser degree its throat patch (*no yellow marking above each eye but most of the ones I see around here don’t have distinctive yellow markings). Finally, I don’t believe this to be a white-crowned sparrow as I rarely see them (I have been bird-watching for about the last 5 years and I have only noticed one which was spring 2013) and this bird here has the outline of a patch under its beak.

White-throated Sparrow?

2 replies on “White-throated sparrow?”

Caleb Beasley says:

Looks like a White-throated Sparrow!

Cathleen Thayer says:

I believe this is a Lincoln Sparrow. They are shy and usually seen alone. A white-throated sparrow has a very clear bright white throat (no stripping on the throat,) as well as the yellow marking by the eye.

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