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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Laurie Salzler

Lawrence, NSW, Australia


The blue faced honeyeater is one of my favourite nectar eaters.

Blue-faced Honeyeater

Blue-faced Honeyeater

15 replies on “Blue-faced Honeyeater”

Robin Wessel says:

Absolutely stunning!

Sandra Wessel-Jess says:

Really beautiful. Wonderful shot.

Trish Dtronach-Sewell says:


Karen Patch says:

Great photo

Adri says:


Sue Frampton says:

Stunning colours beautifully caught

Tina Sears says:

Your photos are awesome!

Taylor James says:

Awesome shot!

Jane Boyce says:

Beautiful shot just like your others!

jenifer says:

Beautifully composed photo Laurie

Eddie says:

Not only is the bird amazing, so is the tree or bush he is eating from. Australia is so different than Northern USA. 🙂

Theresa Nickels says:

Wow! Wonderful bird and wonderful shot!

Gretchen says:

Stunning shot!

Jean Rowe says:

You always manage to capture these beautiful birds at their best.

Kay Carney says:

As usual, marvelous picture from a very talented photographer!

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