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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Bob Taber

East Killingly, Killingly, CT, United States


This is a Cardinal using a tool,( Rocker Arm) on a Smart Bird interactive feeder to release food from the feeder hopper. Image taken by Bob Taber on December 18, 2014 on the very top of Chestnut Hill In East Killingly, Connecticut. The other birds know how to use the Rocker Arm also but sometimes wait for the Cardinal because the Cardinal often releases much more food than it needs. The Cardinal will also eat while standing on the stage of the feeder; the other birds will often take the food away to eat it. The Cardinal is larger than the other birds and chooses to occupy the stage until he is done. The other birds will sometimes stand right on the stage with the Cardinal and feed while the /Cardinal feeds. The feeder is sitting on a two foot by two foot table with a with a white background fence to help with capturing the images. You have a good day. Bob Taber

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Category: Week 7: Cardinalidae

Cardinal Using A Rocker Arm On My Smart Bird Interactive Feeder With Wren,Tufted Titmouse, And Chickadee

Cardinal using a Rocker Arm to release food for himself and three friends from an interactive feeder; A Wren, Tufted Titmouse, and a Chickadee

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