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Bette Boren

Fullerton, CA, United States

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Species: Nutmeg Mannikin

Nutmeg Mannikin Also Known As A Spice Finch

31 replies on “Nutmeg Mannikin also known as a Spice Finch”

B. Hensley says:

.Nutmeg Mannikin Also Known As A Spice Finch.

Thought I would let you know I have sighted two of these at my backyard feeder. They are becoming regulars.Maybe they are escapees from a local breeder.

I live in Camarillo, California

Robert Olson says:

Hi B. Hensley,
I have a friend that lives in Camarillo (Los Posas area) and he has many of these Nutmeg Mannikin’s in his backyard feeder. I live nearby in Moorpark, CA and I had never seen / heard of these beautiful birds before.

‘The non-native non-migratory Nutmeg Mannikin, also known as the Scaly-breasted Munia or the Spice Finch, has been added to the California Bird Records Committee State List. The listing has proved somewhat controversial, as the species is endemic to Asia.’

Eileen says:

Hi B Hensley! I am also in Camarillo and I have a veritable flock of Nutmeg Mannikins! There were times when I lost count, 10 or 12 of them would be in a feeder comically eating and bobbing their heads up and down. Recently it’s been only four or six at a time but they love my protected courtyard, hanging out in the orange tree and enjoying the bird baths that I maintain for all the birds. Where are you in Camarillo? I am off Adolfo Rd near the high school. Have you seen the beautiful Orioles around? I believe their name is Scott’s Orioles. Males are spectacular yellow and black and that fellow loves the birdbath and the hummingbird feeder’s. Appears to be two other female with him one might be a juvenile anyway thrilled to hear someone else has Nutmegs visiting!

Keith D says:

I believe I just saw one of these. Maybe a juvenile also, but not sure. The adult was a little darker color on the back and head. I am in San Diego County, near Escondido. I hope to see more, as I only really get mostly House Finches at my feeder so far.

Patti Keyes says:

Hello 👋 We have Nutmeg finches on our property in rural Escondido! Over the years they have become a huge flock of at least 30 birds, including juveniles. They come to our feeders on our back patio, flying down and back from a eucalyptus.
They also seem to live (and nest) in big olive tree out front that is covered with a climbing plumbago.
We love them! Adorable tiny birds who seem to thrive and love it here! Nice hear someone else locally enjoys them too!

Glenda McKibben says:

We are in Chula Vista and have had Mannikins visiting for the last three days. We just had one teo days ago just at dusk, then two yesterday, and this morning we had at least ten at the feeder. There have been three or four off and on all day. I guess they are wandering south

Mike Scheller says:

I have a pair (I believe they’re a ‘couple’) that I see visiting my platform feeder nearly every day. I’ve seen as many as ten to twelve at once on the platform, but they’re quite busy. This was a week or two ago during a change in the weather and it was quite overcast. The interesting thing to me is that these finches appear to be nesting in my old Purple Martin house which still sits on its twenty foot pole. I sometimes hear them chirping away when I’m walking by. I haven’t had martins for probably thirty years or more. The outside of the house appears Ok,but it’s made of metal and rods that once held dividers that separated the the front and back compartments have rusted into two pieces and I’ve found the broken parts on the ground below. I believe that some compartments now are double sized with a front and back entrance. Maybe the spice finches like it like that.

Mike Scheller says:

Mike Scheller lives in Milton,fl which is a small town northeast of better known Pensacola,fl.

David Marcantonio says:

I also live in Milton FL and have about 40 that must live in the trees in the back yard because at least 3 times a day, my two finch feeders are full with Spice Finches. There are 14 feeding posts between the two feeders and every slot is taken with more standing on top of each other trying to push one another off their eating post. While this is happening, I have around 15 -20 on the ground below eating the fallen seed. Its awesome but they can go though a $12 bag of Pennington select wild finch blend in about 3 days. I’ve tried to find a place where I can get a bulk bag (50lbs or so) but to no avail. These little guys are fantastic to have visit every day, all day long.

Coli Organt says:

I’m a cross the bay from you in Pensacola, FL and I have 10 or 12 of the beautiful birds visit my feeders daily. They flock together with some house finches and will splash all the water out of the birdbath.

Elizabeth Gillion says:

Hi! We live in Mobile, Alabama. This is our second year of playing host to a large group of mannikans. They have been here since early Spring. Last year they left in the Fall. Everyday now we see fewer of them. They are so tiny and swift and their call is so sweet. We hope they come back in 2022!

Barb Hensley says:

Saturday, October 23, 2021

I apologize for not checking this site sooner to check for replies. What a surprise.

Oh my gosh! People…. actual people in Camarillo and surrounding areas who are bird watching, enjoying and engaging their brains into asking questions about their world and the other beings in it. Yes, I am being sarcastic. Sorry. 🙁

Is there any birdwatchers/clubs in our area? Yes, we are in a pandemic and have to be careful however, we can all still share our observations and maybe help nature along by nurturing more.

Helen Ogden says:

For the very first time, my husband and I observed 5 Nutmeg Mannikins at our feeder today. He was able to take photos. We live in Pacific Grove, CA. Another invasive species?

Holly Grant, Project Assistant says:

Hi Helen, Scaly-breasted Munia (nutmeg mannikins) are indeed native to southern Asia. An invasive species is an organism that causes ecological or economic harm in a new environment where it is not native; Scaly-breasted Munia are certianly non-native, but are not yet considered “invasive” as far as we’re aware.

Elizabeth says:

They’re also in Hollywood! I have a bird feeder on my rooftop and I see them every day.

Dave H says:

Flock of about 12 nutmeg mannikins (spice finch) observed on a feeder in Sugar Land, Texas in January 2022.

Kjohnson says:

Small flocks of two to six, NutMeg Mannikins, have been visiting my feeders the last two years. Orange County, CA.

Anne Kunzig says:

Had a flock in my backyard in Nipomo Ca a few years ago, and today Merlin identified their call again but didnt see them.

Chrissy J says:

Just spent the last two hours looking through my bird books trying to identify 2 of these unusual beauties at my feeder. It was so exciting because I normally get mostly sparrows and house finches with the Mourning Doves trying to but in. I live in the Mission Hills (coastal) area of San Diego. I hope they return!

Pam See says:

Had about 6 of them visit my feeder 3 times during the day. They shared the feeder with a white crowned sparrow. I hope they keep visiting.

Pam See says:

I forgot to mention these beauties were in Arroyo Grande, CA.

Nicki In Vista says:

3 pairs quite regularly on our feeder October & November 2022 in rural Vista (North County San Diego). They appear mid-mornings when the sun is on that spot. They don’t mind sharing with house finches, sparrows, and a pair of lesser goldfinches. First sightings ever in more than 25 years of following our bird visitors. They’re shy but lovely and fun to watch!

steve rundell says:

Hello, i live in Houston Texas not far from Memorial Park for a reference of my location. For the last three years I have had 8-12 of these cuties sharing tube feeder with House finches all year round. I have also seen them carrying nesting materials in the neighborhood, but have not located any nest sites. Lots of fun to watch at my feeders.

steve rundell says:

have a lot of these little guys at our tube feeders year round in the Houston area. seem to hang out with several House finches as well.

Melissa says:

We have about 20-30 nutmegs at our feeders here in west Houston. They love to take baths in our bog filter. Hilarious to see them all splashing around together. We love these birds! So honored they have chosen our yard.

Andrea says:

I thought I was losing my mind when I saw 3 of these little cuties in my bird bath! When O used Merlin to identify, I was surprised to find a bird native to Southeast Asia. Hoping to get a photo.

Karen Beckman says:

I received my first iPad when I turned 60. 11 years ago. I noticed outside our Hollywood Hills home on top a recently chopped tree stump, a group of almost 50, tiny birds which I identified as Spice Finches. I had to use a periscope to see them. So began my birding experience, right from my bedroom room.
They still come and go in various groups of at least 10 or more. They fly similarly to Humming birds and sing beautifully together .

Suzanne Plank says:

For the past week, I have been enjoying these beautiful birds coming to my backyard feeder every morning. Took me awhile to figure out what they were, but my googling was finally a success. There are about 6 of them and they are quite noisy. I live in Moorpark, California. I hope they stick around for awhile as I enjoy watching them.

Sylvia Wilkinson says:

I live in El Segundo, CA and have a National Wildlife Habitat for a yard. An amazing thing happened today. I have a large group of spice finches that come every day, easily two dozen of them. I have to refill their feeders constantly and they kick the water out of the bird bath, many in there at once. Early this morning I saw a pure white finch with all the others. There was no hostility towards it. It drank from the same dish and pecked up the same finch seeds. I read somewhere that that happens only one in 30,000 but I find that hard to believe. I wasn’t close enough to see if it had pink eyes.

Mary Ann Hannon says:

Feb. 14, 2024

I have seen eight-10 Nutmeg Mannikins at my backyard tube feeder for the last two weeks. Never seen them before, so was able to add them to my life list of bird sightings. I was surprised to learn they have been seen in so many places.

Mary Ann Hannon says:

Should have added that I live in Livermore, CA.

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