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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Brian Lowry

Leota, IN, United States


This summer I had been out photographing birds at the edge of a woodlot near our house. As I was returning home, I saw a summer tanager, two cedar waxwings and this red-headed woodpecker frolicking in flight from atop a pin oak tree. They were catching some kind of flying insects, but their antics were very playful and amusing to watch.

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Red-Headed Woodpecker

4 replies on “Red-Headed Woodpecker”

Patricia Smith says:


Rebecca Snowden says:

beautiful picture

Rebecca Snowden says:

Brian Lowry does an outstanding job in capturing the red headed woodpecker in flight!

Mary Jones says:


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