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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Romy Walker

Boyce, VA, USA


He came late evening to get a snack before bedtime. I watched him through the kitchen window, I don’t think he knew I was there. His hesitation just before hopping onto the feeder was my only chance to get this striking photo. And then he was gone.

Twilight’s Last Gleaming

13 replies on “Twilight’s Last Gleaming”

Denise Washburn says:

Beautiful bird, fantastic photo!

Virginia says:

Stunning photo. The juxtaposition of such a beautiful bird against the stark black of the night in the background, enhances the beauty and solitude of this photo. What a moment to capture!!! Well done, Romy!!!!

Tim says:

So, I’m not the only one captivated by a sunset or someone beset by bad hair days. I’d be interested to know how you captured the stunning photo without compromising the natural light. Well done.

Susanna says:

Cardinal in the “spot” light – small, yet majestic – love it!

Cecilia says:

great photo!!!! The lighting is spot on!

Absolutely love this photo… Well done!

Shirley Cauley says:

Stunning – a beautiful moment captured! The light!!

Shirley Cauley says:

Amazing lighting & capture of the moment!

Rob Williams says:

What a stunning photo. A definite winner in my book

Mary says:


Sandy Moyich says:

Well done. An awesome photo of the regal cardinal

Jenna says:

Poignant photo! Awesome photography!

Emily says:

Your pictures are always so stunning!! Well done!!

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