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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Zachary Delmore

Margaree Harbour Village Road, Inverness, NS, Canada


At Margaree Harbour Beach.

Most are cormorants, but the other flock are another species.

Zachary Delmore



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Bird ID Needed – August 3rd, 2023

Cormorants on right.

11 replies on “Bird ID Needed – August 3rd, 2023”

Texas Bird Family says:

I believe that the birds in the last photo are female Common Mergansers. As for Great Cormorant, they have a very limited range in Canada.

The Great Cormorant definitely a common year-round species around Nova Scotia, though the Double-crested Cormorant is more common during breeding season.
Range maps:
Great Cormorant:
eBird species map (Great Cormorant):

Texas Bird Family says:

Its hard to ID due to the poor photos

eBird Checklist:

It appears in the photo they have white near their beaks which would point to Great Cormorants. (Double-Cresteds have orange) But it is hard to tell. Hope this helps!

It appears they have white near their beaks which would indicate Great Cormorants. (Double-Cresteds have yellow) but it is hard to tell. Hope this helps!

Oops sorry, I don’t know why it posted twice.

I don’t know why my replies aren’t posting…

All replies must be reviewed by FeederWatch before it is posted. This may take some time.

It appears they have white near their bills which would point to Great Cormorants. (Double Crested have orange) But it is hard to tell. Hope this helps!

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