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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Bob Vuxinic

Crossville, TN, USA


As I was mowing, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye close to the mower…I assumed that it was a fallen leaf moved by the breeze from the mower’s blade. But a glance at it showed that it was the bird. Still, that bird was no more than a foot away from the noisy, blowing, running mower and I. The thought occurred to me that perhaps the poor thing was deaf and blind, because it showed no sign that it was bothered by the presence of me or the noisy mower, but it seemed to be acting normally in its ground foraging. Being so close, I tried to pick it up, and that caused it to fly off, so it was neither blind, nor incapable of flight. I’d never seen this bird, a female or immature Magnolia Warbler before, so I’m assuming that it is on its migration from Canada to Central or South America. You’ll notice that my “lawn” is simply meadow grasses cut short.

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Magnolia Warbler

A surprise visit by a female or immature Magnolia Warbler

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