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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Gary Mueller

Rolla, MO, United States


A young mutant blue jay with deformed beak and right leg.

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Mutant Blue Jay

Mutant Blue Jay. Missing beak and right leg is deformed.

2 replies on “Mutant Blue Jay”

tracey daniels says:

any pics of female blujays??? We have a “rescue” blujay in our neighborhood that interacts w/humans regularly he was found near death on side of road when just a baby..;neighbor brought him in his house force fed him water and he came around had injured rt wing n leg..we think he may have fallen out of nest as the nest was in tree way above where he landed on side of road.he is the most awesome bird.he comes to my window regularly in early am and screeches for me to come outside .im worried about him over the winter he hatched @ mem. day blujays migrate?? his father still around very handsome.regal looking bird. feedback appreciated

A says:

I’m not sure if this bird is mutated, or if the deformities are the result of injuries.

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