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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Craig Harwood

Canterbury, CT, USA


Want to get the hawk I counted on this weeks Feederwatch verified, I counted it as a Cooper’s Hawk, but am not sure. Same request for the sparrow I counted as a White Throated Sparrow, but I have a very hard time with sparrows. These NEVER come to the feeders, always on the ground.
And sharing the craziness of the Goldfinch mob.



Not Sure Of Two Birds And Showing The Crazy Goldfinches

This is the hawk I counted on this weeks Feederwatch. I counted it as a Cooper's Hawk, but am hoping this can be verified.

One reply on “Not sure of two birds and showing the crazy Goldfinches”

Frank says:

I am pretty sure the hawk is an immature Red-shouldered Hawk. You are right about the White-throated Sparrows.

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