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andree dubreuil

Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada

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Species: American Crow

Safety In Flocks And With A Guardian Crow

Suet feeders,and starlings..

11 replies on “safety in flocks and with a guardian crow”

Aleene Jones says:

Great Photo, Andree, I love crows.

May I asked a favor, Please, keep the E. Starlings up there. Last year, they cleaned me out of suet, my budget was very strained.

A.J. from sw PA. USA

Not to worry, Aleene, so far.. the Cooper’s hawk is not so far on a low-protein diet.and , will advise you when to offer vegeweightwatcher suet..
and thank you for the nice post..

Christmas is coming up.. so don’t suet the budget…Keep us posted..
In the meantime.. cheers for the season and great to have you on.. this project..

Aleene, the season is still young, and we have alot of hungry hawks around,
and it is really odd, the crow seems to alert them to fly away.
will see and watch….

Aleene Jones says:

The corvidae family of crows and blue jays are well known for their alarms and mobbing of predators. They can be a real noisy bunch.

E. Starlings, so far, have been scarce to my feeders, the warmer weather may have had an effect, saying, “Go North, young Starlings, Go North”.

Aleene, not only are you a wealth of great information,, but also bring me news,, that
I, just might not be alone. and north may be their destination.. but, empty feeders are sad..
and perhaps Young starlings have

Aleene, when winters offers but snowbanks,, without a bird in sight..
for days and days..
The sight of any daring bird ,, is a welcomed sight. and the question still is..
I, Watch them desperate, as they gape bird seeds, with open beaks, not at all
developed for seeds.. They linger, and roost.. days and days..

and Aleene..begins the my plunger days.. you know.. the plunger, the toilet plunger
I, fill a whole bunch of them with various seeds and food.. no fights.. every one gets
a plunger,, which is sunk in a snowbank,, filled with specified seeds,, no fights.. and the rubber is foot and claw friendly. not like metal which freezes..

I, love bathroom toilet plungers in the dead of winter,, they are easy to clean and disinfect. and can be stuck anywhere in the snow banks.. And they avoid fights.. everyone,, claims their ideal bird seed , no fights.. and the rubber trim avoids painful frozen toes.. Yes.. Aleene, it is different.. but effective and very sanitary.. no fights,
no loss, individual catering.. and most of all.. easy to clean, and .well even filled with crunchy peanut butter..


Aleene Jones says:

Your idea is a good one, this would do well to be added to FeederWatch Tips posted under Community, “Tips from Feeder Watchers”.

When I, went to the hardware store to buy the plungers,,
The clerk asked me, if all my tenants were upset with the plumbing?
I, think he thought I was a bad apartement landlord!
Plungers are so easy to disinfect and in huge snow storms, still offer comfortable,
little waste,variety of seeds and the doves just sit on them.. for hours..
and they are also effective in determination of snow depth..

Aleene Jones says:

How deep does the snow get in your area?
Last year, 2016/Jan.23rd, we had two feet of snow, it was the light fluffy kind which was very good; a heavy wet snow of that magnitude would have brought down power lines, we were very fortunate.

That is really deep snow, Aleene, you might just have to buy snow shoes to get to your feeders this winter,, it looks like it is going to be a cold winter..
An old friend told me.. that he can tell early signs of weather, simply by looking at the fur of squirrels, deer, or even horses.. and tells me, its like wine,, some years.. are great and others.. with variable conditions..Innate natural.. trigger reactions..
We had -26 Celsius, a few days ago.. Not one bird in sight for a few days.. I, guess they stayed in the deep Boreal forests..

Aleene Jones says:

I looked into snow shoes, but other things took priority.
We are in the beginning of Winter, are lowest temperature has been 1*F. Many years ago, our temp. dropped to -20 degrees below zero with wind chills to 50 below zero, that is the coldest I remember-Brrrr.
Down here, the winter weather can get fierce, especially in the months of January & February. Those months can bring those heavy wet snows which bring down power lines; several times, we have been without electricity for up to six days.

I, posted, Aleene,, a question for you? (and anyone who may have a comment)pictures.. for your eyes. thought and feedback..
About European Starlings..and the weird way.. I, think is the reason they survive so well in cold climates.. it has to do.. with nictating membranes, AND..perhaps.. their quick reflects
affording them with a great adaptive measure in dealing. with…
Andree TR.QC.CA

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