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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Peggy Mabb

Webster, NY, United States


On Nov. 14, I looked out the window just as a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew into shrub by feeder area and captured a House Sparrow. It sat right there on the ground in front of the shrub with the Sparrow in its talons for a minute or two so I was able to take some photos. The Sparrow is hard to see due to the leaves and grass, but it is there. Then the Hawk flew away with its prey, out of my line of sight.


Predatory birds

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Category: Predatory birds

Sharp-shinned Hawk Caught House Sparrow

Sharp-shinned Hawk with House Sparrow in talons

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