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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Linda Ruth

Coventry, CT, USA


This hawk killed a Hairy Woodpecker on one of my feeders. Several experienced bird watchers have been arguing about its identity. It appears to be either a large female Sharp-shinned Hawk or a small male Cooper’s Hawk. It has juvenile plumage, a light iris, dark streaking on the breast, a dark nape of the neck, squared off tail, a pale line above the eye, all suggesting Sharpie, but is it too big to be a Sharpie??


Predatory birds

Sharp-shinned Or Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s or Sharp-shinned Hawk with a Hairy Woodpecker kill

One reply on “Sharp-shinned or Cooper’s Hawk”

Texas Bird Family says:

If I had to guess I’d say immature Sharpie. Juvenile Coopers are browner overall, with a streaked belly.

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