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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Gary Mueller

Rolla, MO, USA


Yellow-rumped Warbler

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Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

4 replies on “Yellow-rumped Warbler”

Joan E. Wiitanen says:

OK Gary….what camera do you use if you don’t mind sharing that? My Nikon CoolPix P900 is so easy to use but is already failing with the focus zoomed in from afar. But complicated isn’t my thing. This gets 83X Optical zoom. I’d like to get into “speed” though, capturing more flight pics. Check out some of mine here. Not bad for point and shoot 😉 Thanks-yours are great for sure! 🙂

Gary Mueller says:

Hi Joan:

Your Nikon CoolPix P900 is a fine camera and should serve you well. I have learned it is not so much the camera as it is how one uses it. Allan Murphy has some valuable techniques in photographing birds. Here is a link to one of his YouTube videos.

Allan also have a homepage with much more on bird photography.

I shoot with Olympus cameras and lenses but try to bring the birds in as close as possible before photographing them.

I enjoy seeing your flight pics. Keep up the good work.


Gary Mueller says:

Hi Joan:

Your Nikon CoolPix P900 is a fine camera and should serve you well. I have learned it is not so much the camera as it is how one uses it. Allan Murphy has some valuable techniques in photographing birds on his website and several YouTube videos.

I shoot with Olympus cameras and lenses but try to bring the birds in as close as possible before photographing them.

I enjoy seeing your flight pics. Keep up the good work.


Bob Vuxinic says:

If you don’t mind me butting in here; I only use a Panasonic point-and-shoot (FX150), and, like Gary, I’ve found that the key to good photos is getting close to the birds. I spend my time on devising ways to either get close to where birds will be, or to get the birds come close to where I will be (which is why you never see any birds-in-flight shots from me). It is VERY rare that I’ll shoot from more than 6 feet away from the birds. And, I must admit, that it is also a pain in the neck to work out ways to do that, but, for me, that’s part of the adventure of the challenge.

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