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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Lou Ann Roulette

Pelzer, SC


We had 2 Rufous last Nov, both banded by Bill Hilton. This one, I’m guessing Juv male by the few colored throat feathers, showed up Sun Nov 10, 2013. I’d planted more Pineapple Sage and kept feeders out hoping to attract one again this year. This one had been mostly in the sage, until last night’s frost got most of it. This was the first time I saw him sitting on this feeder. I hope he stays around, I’d love to have him banded too.

Rufous Hummingbird Again This Year!

One reply on “Rufous Hummingbird Again this Year!”

Emma Grieg says:

Thank you for this great photo! Your previously banded Rufous hummers make that a likely ID for this individual. In many cases, however, it is impossible to distinguish Rufous from Allen’s hummingbirds when not in the hand, so we encourage people to report “Selasphorus sp.” in their counts if they have any doubt. Thanks again for the sighting, and let us know if you get a band on this one!

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