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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Christopher Felts

Aberdeen, MD, United States


On a bright sunny day we saw a lone cedar waxwing and were very surprised that it hung out in our yard for hours as we snapped photos of it!


Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

3 replies on “Cedar Waxwing”

Tedi Strahm says:

Flock of cedar waxwings visiting my Citrus Heights CA backyard each day!
I am thrilled as they are perhaps my favorite bird!
I have large privet in the backyard and pyracantha and nandina in the front.
I am offering water baths mixed songbird seeds and cracked corn.
The seed mix is heavy with black oil sunflower.
Birds I have seen in my yard besides the waxwings: mourning doves,robins.dark-eyed juncos,brown towhees, hummingbirds black phoebe,red-breasted finches,northern flickers,bushtits,crested grey titmice, mocking birds,etc
Much to my dismay, goldfinches are no longer coming to my thistle feeders–
Any suggestions?.

Elizabeth says:

How do you seen online about Nandina berries being toxic and killing cedar waxwings? Having seen them eat the berries off of my native Holly tree, I observed at the gorge on the berries very fast, kind of like us with peanuts. You may want to consider removing your Nandinas

Elizabeth says:

Have you seen online about Nandina berries being toxic and killing cedar waxwings? Having seen them eat the berries off of my native Holly tree, I observed how they gorge on the berries very fast, kind of like us with peanuts. You may want to consider removing your Nandinas. I removed mine, once I learned the berries are toxic and can kill wildlife and birds (especially cedar waxwings.)

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