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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Donna Barski

Cartier, Ontario, Canada


My husband, our dog and I were camped this summer at Halfway Lake Provincial camp ground. One evening, while hiking a trail, we were pleasantly surprised to see this grouse. Our dog first heard the low clucking sounds. His intent stare made us look into the thick woods. Just a couple feet off the trail was this immature spruce grouse walking on top of a moss covered log. It was not nervous, even with our dog panting and straining at his leash, affording me the opportunity to take this photo.

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Immature (or Female) Spruce Grouse

Evening stroll under the spruces.

2 replies on “Immature (or female) Spruce Grouse”

Ellen Lewis says:

I really like your photo here, Donna. The colors are fantastic and create that wonderful camouflage for the spruce grouse. When enlarged a bit, the photo really shows off the beautiful feathers and red stripe over the eye. Very Nice. You have my vote!

Donna Barski says:

Thanks so much Ellen! I’m glad you enlarged the photo to see those beautiful camouflage colors and to appreciate that splash of red over the eye.

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