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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Laurie Salzler

Ashby, New South Wales, Australia


I watched a flock of twelve Rainbow Lorikeets come in to feed on the sweet Lilly Pilly flowers. This one was particularly clever at getting its share.

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Category: Category 1: Birds with Food or at the Feeder

Bottoms Up

Rainbow Lorikeet feasting on Lilly Pilly flowers

9 replies on “Bottoms Up”

Fran Alsbrook says:

Love Laurie’s photos…..!!!!!!!
They are all so amazing……

Karen Patch says:

Great photo. Right place, right time.

Jean Rowe says:

Laurie has that great ability to capture nature and wildlife at its best! Love it!

Darl Wood says:

Laurie has a great eye for natural beauty in small things…love it

Sandra Wessel-Jess says:


Robin Wessel says:

You always have such stunning photos Laurie.

Sue Frampton says:

Love the composition of this photo. It shows the birds beautiful colours

Belinda Stauner says:

I look forward to seeing all of Laurie’s pictures. She captures the moment every time. She is a remarkable animal photographer.

Tami says:

Amazing colors and the positioning is ideal!❤

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