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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Hui Sim

Delta, BC, Canada


This is the third sighting we have had of this lovely but secretive little singer–whose song is uncannily like human music–in the yard in the past two years, but the only time we have spotted it out on the front lawn. This time, s/he was perfectly posed on the pyracantha coccinea (Scarlet Firethorn), after having sampled a few pyracantha berries, which have proven to be “pub favorites” with a number of bird species, including American Robins, Golden-Crowned Sparrows, House Sparrows, House Finches, Townsend’s Solitaires, and Black-Capped Chickadees. The warm yellow you see in the backyard is the neighbor’s weeping alder. This chubby little number didn’t seem the least bit fazed to be photographed. Taken from 20 feet away in late October 2016. So thrilled to see this bold little berry eater. To date, my closest encounter with these thrushes!

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Hermit Thrush On The Scarlet Firethorn In Autumn

Hermit Thrush on the Scarlet Firethorn in Autumn

6 replies on “Hermit Thrush on the Scarlet Firethorn in Autumn”

Bonnie Cave says:

stunning photo!

Hui says:

thank you, Bonnie!

Christine says:

Beautiful photo.

Hui says:

thank you, Christine!

Theresa Nickels says:

Simply Beautiful! What wonderful color! How lucky you are to have these beauties!

Hui says:

thank you, Theresa! yes we are lucky that the pyracantha bush is so popular with our yard birds–takes pressure off the birdseed and suet in the backyard (but not by much!) 😀

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