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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Joan Wiitanen

Tear Lake, Stanton Township, MI, United States


A regular flock of Blue Jays are joined by a Hairy Woodpecker and they all ate merrily 😉

“May I Join Your Feeder Frenzy?” ;-)

One reply on ““May I Join Your Feeder Frenzy?” ;-)”

Joan E. Wiitanen says:

This year we only have a small flock of Blue Jays when many years in a row there were dozens coming onto the deck at one time. They are such beautiful birds but like to rake the seeds to and fro and scare away the smaller birds. But everyone gets enough at my house I make sure there is plenty for all 😉

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