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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Muhammad Arif

Ithaca, NY, USA


It was fall and leaves were starting to turn. I was out for a walk in the morning, my camera hanging from my shoulder aiming to capture fall foliage colors. As I walked past an area where a few deadheads of sunflowers still remained on the stalks, I noticed a pair of Blue Jays fly in, pick the seeds, land on a nearby fence post to eat the seeds, and then fly back into the trees. I knew they would be back to pick more seeds and next time they did that, I had my lens pointed exactly at the right place. Bird photography is often being prepared at the right time at the right place.


Blue Jay On A Post

Blue Jay on a Post

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