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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Karen Gallo

Waterford, CT, USA


This Ruby-throated Hummingbird was spotted at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford, CT. They love to feed on the nectar from the crocosmia blooms. To capture this photograph, I placed myself in a strategic spot where I was not being a distraction to the birds, and every few minutes or so they would appear to feed.

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Hungry Hummer

8 replies on “Ruby-throated Hummingbird”

Maryann Massengill-Black says:

This photo is stunning

Sheri Storey says:

Extraordinary photo! Such a captivating photographer .I would love to buy a calender of her work.

meg says:

What a fantastic photo.

Mary Schuler says:

Amazing shot…her photos are unsurpassed.

Maura Bonafede says:

This photo is spectacular. I vote for Karen Gallo’s Hummingbird.

Is it to late to put out humming bird feeder? I live in Middle Tennessee area & normally put feeder out middle April.

Holly Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hi Willa, You can put out a hummingbird feeder at anytime. Placing feeders does not adversely affect movement of birds, and can often be a great help to them.

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