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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Nancy Nygaard

Prescott, WI, USA


You can easily miss this delightful golden surprise in the flick of an eye if you don’t keep a trained eye on these lovely birds. I had put out a new suet feeder, a Christmas gift from my daughter, in the hope that the Pileated Woodpecker I had seen would return. My other suet feeders were too small for it. I had gotten many visitors to the feeder on this gloomy day. My favorite visitor that day was this beautiful Northern Flicker that brightened my day with its beautiful golden color beneath its wings as it flew between the two seut feeders making sure it hadn’t missed something better.

Flicker Of An Eye…

Flicker of an eye...

2 replies on “Flicker of an eye…”

Lori Grant says:


Deb Schmidt says:

Picture is so clear and yet bird is in motion. Amazing photo! Love it.

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