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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Mark Lowry

Lexington, KY, USA


There have been a very high number of Hooded Mergansers
passing through Central KY the last couple weeks or so. By my
observations the numbers have been higher than the last several
years as I have observed them in small groups to large flocks
numbering over 100 on many of our small to medium sized ponds/lakes
in our part of the state. This shot was gotten over one of the smaller
ponds in the area. This pair was part of a flock of 6 that was using
the pond on this morning before taking flight. After lift off, this pair made
one more pass over the pond and turned due South in a hurry. It is
amazing how fast they accelerate to that top ‘cruising’ gear!

Southbound Express

Hooded Merganser Pair

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